How to Increase Social Media Traffic with two social media traffic apps!

How to Increase Social Media Traffic With Two social media traffic apps!

One of the things we can no longer ignore as online entrepreneurs is social media traffic. Without searching too deep, one can easily notice that social media has quickly become an important source of traffic and almost everyone online is scrambling for it.

We’ve been told that to get considerable amount of traffic from the Internet monster without doing social PPC, you need a huge follower base.  That was true some years back.

Things have changed today, allowing folks to pull in huge traffic from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc,  even if they just started on them some few minutes ago.

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Ron Killian ~ From Underpaid Retail To Full Time Internet Marketer

ron killian

The month of March is almost gone and I’m here again with someone worth knowing and connecting with. You know one beauty of blogging is the fact that we get to know people from all over the world. Blog commenting is the awesome blogging exercise that connects people.

On Thursdays, I reveal to you awesome bloggers and their blogs. After reading about them on my blog, step over to theirs, read and start commenting. Drop meaningful comments and your community will keep growing.

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Browser Push Notifications ~ Reduce you retargeting expense and re-engage your users!

Today, we have a guest, Ravi Trivedi who talks to us about Push Notifications and how you can actually build a list without requiring your readers’ emails. Ravi will also be talking to us about his platform and offering you a special 1 month free trial for being my reader. Just read through and you’ll get to learn more on how push notifications work and how to get your special free trial.

Over to you Ravi!

You have written a viral blog post and it gets you 100,000 visitors in one day.  Content is hit driven and your post won’t go viral each day, so what do you do to benefit from the viral post.  May be you are collecting emails or feed-burner subscription, or doing re-targeting to reach back at the visitors.

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The Best video distribution platform for coaches ~

Best video distribution platform

Anyone not living under the bridge today knows that video content is soon becoming a leading factor in content marketing. Professional trainers are constantly looking for the best video distribution platform for coaches.

With the Internet, the world is fast becoming a global village where business are breaking regional barriers and acquiring customers worldwide.

The best way to minimize cost while expanding your coaching business across national boundaries is taking your programs closer to customers through videos on the Internet backbone.

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5 simple ideas to develop Internet of Things Applications

internet of things iot

A lot of buzz has been developing around Internet of Things Applications as its use is getting more and more popular with people. It is estimated that by 2020 around 30 billion products will be using internet of things to communicate with their owners and other IoT enabled devices.  By that scale, there will be huge demand for niche IoT applications.

A recent study by First Site Guide shows that 26 smart objects will be around every human on earth.

Think of IoT as being able to remotely sense apparels or devices across existing network infrastructure. IoT applications therefore allow you some control over your room temperature, cookers, cameras, etc while away from home.

Here are a few ideas that you can get started with, to develop and test your IoT Applications building skills!

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How to get free dofollow backlinks from 15 Commentluv Blogs [PART 2]

how to get dofollow backlinks

One of the biggest problems of most bloggers is how to get free dofollow backlinks from dofollow high PageRank websites.  The simple reason is that backlinks still remains one of the top ranking factors according to Google.

That’s why most bloggers do crazy things today to get these backlinks. However, one of the simplest ways is to drop reasonable comments on dofollow commentluv enabled blogs in your niche.

I know, with a little bit of effort, you can still get on Google page even without a single backlink to your article. I have written on 4 ways to rank on Google page #1 without backlinks. I recommend you check that post out.

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