5 Tips to Cure Online Business Burnout

Online business burnout cripples even the most determined entrepreneur.

If you become exhausted, or sick, you can’t be at your business best.

Follow these tips to address and dissolve burnout so you can dive back into your venture feeling energized, refreshed and raring to go.

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5 Alarming Website Statistics You Need to Work on Now

5 Alarming Website Statistics You Need to Work on Now

Websites statistics give us a concrete picture of how we are doing as a brand and as a business.

Businesses have turned to the power of the web to attract audiences, convert new customers, and increase loyalty in their current market. And web statistics have given marketers essential insights on creating strategies that increase conversion rates.

But did you know that 63% of companies state that generating traffic and leads are their top marketing challenge? And 26% of these businesses also consider managing their websites to be a problem.

Because of this, we give you five alarming website statistics you need to take note of, and tips on how to improve your website management today.

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How Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

Content marketing is here to stay.

Creating helpful content and sharing it across a wide range of platforms ain’t going out of style anytime soon. People crave help. People consume help across their online channel of choice.

If you run an online or offline entrepreneurial venture you are in the business of helping people.

One lesson I learned over my nearly decade long entrepreneurial career: gives folks the freemium and they buy the premium. This means that if you help people for free a healthy portion of these folks will buy your products or hire you, growing your business steadily.

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$1,080 in two days from one business!

The past two days have been awesome online, especially with SwissCoin MLM.

While my ebook for bloggers got a couple more sales, this blog generated some more commissions from Affiliate products I promote here. Two of the sales were generated by my tools page. I wrote more about this page here.

It’s becoming more exciting to live the dotcom life style where your laptop becomes your office and you have no boss to limit your success by restricting you to specific tasks. I fired my boss.

Note that this is not an income report post. I have not been able to track my earnings lately. For the past few months, I have focused more on cryptocurrency, studying bitcoin and talking about SwissCoin where I earn daily commissions from its hybrid compensation plan. 

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9 Free EBooks for Entrepreneurs and Developers!

free ebooks

With the invention of handheld devices people obtained a possibility to finally extend away from the piles of paperback books. One single pocketbook or smartphone can hold the contents of the whole New York Public Library! No wonder that eBooks are getting more and more popular nowadays.

EBooks are not inferior to the ordinary printed books. They have all the attributes of the latter: cover, pages, author, content, images whatever. Actually you get a full-fledged book, but it doesn’t take the room on your bookshelf. This is especially true about different tutorials and ampliative literature.

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The 5 Most Annoying Web Design Features!

website features

Though playing around with web design features is fun, it’s easy to go overboard with all the bells and whistles. Resist the urge to include design elements simply because you can or because other websites are using them.

It’s more important to design a site that is effective and easy for your users to navigate, and if you resort to a company to handle those tasks, G Squared web design Sydney are the pros you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you’re the type that likes to roll up their sleeves and do it yourself, avoid including these five annoying features.

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