$200 Blog Commenting Contest – Comment and get paid!

Isn’t it interesting how bloggers are beginning to give out raw cash to their readers? I’m so thrilled and won’t keep back any effort to tell you about any of my friends who is giving out money.

Vineet Saxena is one of my trusted readers and when I read his email about him running a $200 commenting contest this month, I said I was going to let my readers know about this.

The simple reason is I want you to be able to make some extra money doing what you do often – blog commenting. Besides, Vineet’s contest deserve some more exposure so I encourage you join me let’s help him spread the word. That’s what blogging is all about isn’t it?

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BroadedNet, Blogger widget, Partners & Sponsors

Hi everyone, this is the second week after BroadedNet first phase was made public. So far, it’s interesting how this network is ground.

I have not done any major promotionsĀ because my blogging friends of Blogger and other platforms are yet to be covered. The guy I hired to do a widget that should run on blogger and other CMS, including html files has not succeeded. We have tested his works on Blogger and it failed. It however works on flat html or php files.

I have not blogged on blogger before and absolutely have no idea how creating a widget on this platform goes. I don’t want to mess around with it either. That’s why I prefer to get someone with more experience in that field involved. So if you are good at that, please contact me.

If you are reading this post and don’t know what broadedNet is, please read this post. Briefly, it’s a network of bloggers generating traffic to each others blog posts. At the time of writing this post, the widget has been installed on over 150 wordpress blogs and the daily traffic generated is increase by the minute. It’s a free platform so be sure to join here.

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Top 40 Brilliant Photography WordPress Themes for Your Original Portfolio

Photography WordPress Themes

“At the photographers’ hell the hottest furnace is for those, who are trying to keep within the limits and teach others how to live! “

It’s not a secret that your photography theme (carefully chosen for a fine list of Photography WordPress Themes), portfolio and site itself reflect your bright ideas and denote your status as a professional in your field. Real gurus over the years are trying to achieve perfection.

(Sure, it would be much faster if he knew about ready photographer templates ). They experiment, change lenses and hone their skills in order to attract the clientele and to take a perfect extraordinary snapshot. And the main tragedy is that many of them still remain unrecognized genii. And their masterpieces of photo art and are lying and gathering dust on the shelves.

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BroadedNet ~ Traffic without SEO or Social Media

traffic without SEO or social media

Before BroadedNet, getting traffic without SEO or Social Media has been a tough struggle. While SEO is not making it easy either, Social Media does not just deliver traffic on an easy-to-reach surface.

There is been no way you can get quick targeted traffic without spending money on search or social PPC. If you want it from Social Media, you have to be very active on these platforms. I know you know what I mean šŸ˜‰

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September $150 Blog Commenting Contest! Get paid to comment!

blog commenting contest

Hi everyone! It’s another time to get paid doing what you already do daily. In this month of September 2014, $150 has been set aside by my friend JacksonĀ  just for you.

Jackson makes money with his blog so he wants to share part of his earnings with his readers. I love what he is doing. That’s a great thought Jackson and I’m sure your readers are excited about it.

Blogging has really changed recently and I’m impressed. Many bloggers are coming up with different ways to reward their readers while maintaining the quality of engagement they get.

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2 Free WordPress Plugins To Boost Your Traffic & Affiliate Income!

Free Wordpress Plugins

I found 2 free wordpress plugins that can help boost your traffic and increase your affiliate earnings. If you are interested in generating income from your blog, I think you’ll have to pay attention to this post.There are two serious issues I want to face today;

  1. Traffic to your blog on autopilote – From social media
  2. Generate more affiliate sales or sale more copies of your product.

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