How to Handle a Bad Review online!


A few moments ago, I scanned an audio book review. Simply peep the featured image for this post.

An individual going by the handle of “pat” posted a 1 star review. I immediately realized that:

  • pat is unhappy
  • pat being unhappy guarantees that he feels bad
  • when you feel bad, you cannot see the truth
  • when you feel bad, you complain
  • when you feel bad, you leave a bad review because in your mind, even though the author or eBook or audio book triggers YOUR fear and pain, your ego blames the author or the eBook or audio book, for the fear, versus owning your fear and pain

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Are readers using your blog’s search box? How to see the keywords used

Are Readers Using Your Search Box

You have a search box on your website and you are wondering if your readers are really using it. What are the keywords they are using and how do they engage with the search results. Is it even important to worry about the local search data?

Many of us throw the search box on our website but never worry about measuring its effectiveness. The truth is that if your website has visitors, a fraction of them are surely hitting the search button on your site.

It has occurred to me several times to use this local search engine on many websites I visit and when I throw an eye on my local search data, I realize I’m not alone.

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What Is the Pro Blogger Mantra?

“The more you give, the more you get.”

This is the amateur blogger mantra, too. Every blogger should live by this statement. Getting does not happen overnight. Getting happens over months and years. But being generous now increases your:

  • skills
  • exposure
  • credibility

Skilled bloggers with massive exposure gain credibility on a grand scale. Credible bloggers who appear to be all over simply drive traffic, increase profits and eventually go pro. Not today, after 1 day of being generous. Not tomorrow, after 2 days of being generous. Nope; generally, not 2000 hours from now, after 1 year of being generous. But you will go pro because after putting in years of generous effort, the “getting” aspect of blogging takes off in a big way. Good things take time and generous effort.

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4 Steps You Need To Take When Launching Your Own Digital Marketing Consultancy Business

digital marketing consultancy business

By 2021, online advertising will account for 49 percent of all global ad spending,  according to Zenith’s Advertising Expenditure Forecasts.

With such predictions and eCommerce growing at a steady rate of 23 percent each year, it has now become a staple to have a digital marketing consultant on staff. In fact, in CNBC’s round-up of 2020’s best-paying freelance jobs, digital marketing consulting career ranked in the top 20.

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Do You Bite the Blogging Hand that Feeds You?

I had an interesting exchange with a fellow blogger a few moments ago.

He asked to guest post on my blog. Never heard of him. Cold pitch. Never heard of his blog.

I politely informed him free guest posting closed on my blog years ago. I quoted my guest posting rate. He complained about being on a budget and could not afford the rate. He then bandied about the idea of a link exchange.

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Steps to Backup and Migrate Your WordPress Site!

import to Wordpress

As a blogger or business owner with a WordPress site, you have spent so much time and effort to launch your online business. For the same reason, you should have as much control as possible over your online presence.

You’ve chosen a self-hosted platform for a reason, and it would be a shame to lose all of your hard work or become tied to a bad web host because you don’t have a backup plan in place.

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