How to create a Food Blog that makes money with Food Blogger Pro

Food Blogger Pro  – Create a food blog that generates income online!

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In the past few weeks, I have met with a couple of people who desire to start a food blog and make money out of it.

Each time someone talks to me about blogging and showing readers how to cook, or how to decorate cakes, I think of my friends at PinchOfYum.

The simple reason is that these food bloggers have succeeded in creating an awesome food blog that generates thousands of dollars every month.

After the huge success, Lindsay and Bjork Ostrom (owners and bloggers at PinchOfYum) decided to create an in-depth course of over 300 easy-to-understand how-to videos, teaching you how to create a money making food blog.

Food Blogger Pro is a complete course for newbies and intermediate bloggers who want to create a food blog, drive traffic and make money.

While this course is targeted at food bloggers, it covers everything you need to create a successful blog. The authors didn’t jump straight to food. They started by helping you lay a solid blogging foundation.

Food Blogger Pro  – How to create a Food Blog that makes money


Create a food blogLindsay and Bjork Ostrom

Food blogger Pro is not some rehashed ebook. It’s a video training course by food bloggers with track record.

One of the reasons you have to trust this course is the successes of the authors. Lindsay and Bjork have steadily grown their food blog from a mere blog to a full-blown income generating business.

Their food blog’s income has steadily grown from less than $500 to over $25,000 a month. In their course, they reveal all they use – monetizing methods, traffic, social media, etc.

One of the questions you may be asking yourself is if they really make the money.

Yes they do! It’s allover the Internet. Here is income proof on their blog.

start a food blog

Matthew Woodward every month publishes an income report roundup of bloggers who make money blogging and publish their income.

Here is Matthew’s list for the month of October, 2015 with PinchOfYum on top;

create a food blog that makes money

So there is real proof that Lindsay and Bjork Ostrom are making real money online with their food blog. So are you ready to follow their steps, create your own blog that makes money?

Check out Food Blogger Pro!

]Here’s how to create a food blog that makes money!

What’s Food Blogger Pro by the way?

Food Blogger Pro is an in-depth video training program that brings out the food blogger in you. There are three main things you get if you sign up to this training platform;

1 – You get access to over 300 videos carefully shot to teach you everything about setting up your food blog, driving traffic to it and monetizing it.

creating food blog video

2 – The second thing you get is premium access to the forum where you meet some awesome bloggers. This is one of the most exciting places to ask question and learn from practical experiences of other food bloggers.

creating a food blog forum

3 – The third thing you get is exclusive discounts on tools and services made specifically for food bloggers. To succeed as food blogger, there are specific tools you need. Just like in any other business, you will have to arm yourself with appropriate tools.

Lindsay and Bjork Ostrom through their platform are able to secure you access to these tools at a discounted price you don’t get else where. I particularly appreciate their effort in this aspect of taking care of their members. This makes sure you make more money while spending less.

food blog special deals

More things to learn from Food Blogger Pro

Apart from the unlimited amount of information you learn from members on the premium niche forum, here are a list of more things you learn from the platform;

  1. The best tools to help you start a food blog
  2. Photos are important in food blogging. So you learn how to take beautiful photos with artificial light
  3. Natural traffic converts best. That’s why these guys teach you how to increase traffic with easy SEO tips
  4. One mistake bloggers make is not tracking the progress of their blogs online. On Food Blogger Pro, you are taught to track your blog online with Google Alerts
  5. As a food blogger, how do you structure your permalinks? Food Blogger Pro answers the question by showing you the best way to structure your blog’s permalinks
  6. Closely related to this, you get to lean how to set up branded short URLs
  7. Do you know how to generate income from eBooks? Looking at PinchOfYum income reports, an exciting amount comes from selling food ebooks.
  8. Giveaways are a huge traffic generator but how do you set them up? Learn the est way to set up giveaways in Food Blogger Pro.
  9. Another thing you learn is creating and submitting a sitemap
  10. They teach you what FTP is and how to use it
  11. As a blogger, there are different ways to optimize your images. Get the tricks and tools in this course.
  12. Google Search Console, formerly Google Webmaster Tools is an impressive helpful tool to improve your SEO. However, most bloggers don’t know how to use this ‘free gift’. There is a lot of materials on Food Blogger Pro to help you out here.
  13. What is the right way to use anchor text in links? More about this in your membership zone.
  14. Photoshop can be a very complex image tool. As a food blogger, you need to know just the essential tools to create amazing graphics and designs. On Food Blogger Pro, you are shown which tools to use for your images.

Other things you learn from these experts are:

  • How to set up a branded email address
  • Backing up your site so you don’t lose content
  • Adjusting manual settings on your camera
  • How to set up a caching plugin and CDN
  • The best way to use affiliate marketing
  • Photo editing workflow tips and tricks

Monetizing Your food blog !

One of the most exciting things with your food blog is how to use it to generate income. While this is not as easy as many have made us believe, Food Blogger Pro has over 38 videos, covering every aspect, touching all the points you need to know to make your food blog a money making machine

This course discusses the positives and negatives of the different vehicles for making an income from your food blog, and looks at some examples of sites that utilize the different types really well.

How does this teach you to make money?

There are different ways to make money as food blogger as taught on the platform. My excitement here is that these courses are based on tested methods. Let’s briefly look at some of these money making ways you’ll learn on the platform;

1-> Creating food ebooks and making money!

One of the things you learn on Food Blogger Pro is how to create ebooks and sell them for profit. As a food blogger, your chances to make money are unlimited.

There are up to 13 videos, 3 steps in this ebook creation course. These steps are;

  1. Planning your ebook.
  2. Writing your ebook.
  3. Selling your ebooks.

selling ebooks

These courses are based on personal experience.

creating money making food blog

From their income report (figure above)Lindsay and Bjork Ostrom are making real money by creating and selling ebooks. On their platforms, they show you how.


2 -> marking money with Affiliate Marketing!

food blog affiliate marketingOne of the ways to make money online as a blogger is Affiliate Marketing. But many bloggers fail in this area because they think all it requires is pasting banners on sidebars.

The authors of Food Blogger Pro make a lot of money with Affiliate Marketing as food bloggers. On the platform, you get to learn Affiliate Marketing from two stand points;

  • As product creator!

Once they teach you how to create ebooks and sell for profit, you are taught how to recruit affiliates to help promote and drive targeted traffic to your product page. This helps generate more sales and profit.

There are many affiliate marketing platforms out there but which is most suitable for your ebooks?. What are their requirements and how to you get started?

Lindsay and Bjork Ostrom have gone through all of these steps and from their experience, they will walk you through both easy and difficult steps.

  • As a food blogger!

Is doing affiliate marketing as a food blogger easy?

The answer is no!

However, once you’ve identified the points, generating consistent income can be very exciting and easy going.

As a food blogger, which products do you promote? Where do you find those products and how do you promote them?

All these and more questions are answered by Food Blogger Pro training program. The food industry is massive with lots of products to promote and earn commissions. From bags for food delivery to an unlimited number of kitchen items

Some other money money making topics treated in this course are freelancing, sponsored contents, Google Adsense, BlogHer Advertising Network, etc!

Driving targeted traffic to your food blog!

Once your food blog is live with content being published, you’ll need to drive targeted traffic to your posts.

As a beginner, this can be a very daunting task. One of the reasons people fail in online business is lack of targeted income.

Note that not all traffic to your blog can help you generate traffic. That’s why I emphasize on targeted traffic because that’s where the conversion rate is worth the investment.

Lindsay and Bjork Ostrom are very successful in driving targeted traffic to their food blog and that’s one of the reasons that blog generates income for them.

NB: Below is traffic report for one month!

creating a food blog traffic

According to the September 2015 PinchOfYum Traffic report (figure above), there is every reason to believe that this couple (Lindsay and Bjork Ostrom) is doing a great traffic job and listening to them cannot be a mistake. In Food Blogger Pro, they share their tips, tricks and tools to drive this kind of traffic from Search engines, social medial, emails, etc.

The course on generating traffic has about 33 videos dedicated to teaching you how to drive crazy targeted traffic to your food blog. These are split into three sections;

  1. Food sharing sites: In this section (5 videos), you will discover sites where you can share your food pictures and draw traffic to your blog. These videos give you details about what to and what not to do to be accepted on these sites.
  2. SEO for food blogs: Section two (in 17 videos) covers everything about driving natural traffic to your food blog.
  3. Quick and Easy Traffic tips: This section, in 11 videos covers some quick and easy tips to help get things moving in the right direction. Some very exciting result-driving methods shared here.

food blog - seo

Your Food Blog And social Media!

One of the ways to quickly grow your food blog is being active on social media. However,  if care is not taken, you can woefully fail.

In about 57 videos, Food Blogger Pro shows you details how to use three main social media platforms and get the kind of traffic that attracts income.

Note that not every social media platform will work for your food blog. Facebook of course is a huge social media platform.

food blog traffic facebook

However, there are 2 other social media platforms that do even better. In 45 video courses, you will be drilled on how to use these other two social media platforms for exceptional traffic and engagement.

The Nutrition Label Generator!

One of the amazing tools on Food Blogger Pro is The Nutrition Label Generator used to generate nutrition facts labels. This tool is easy to use,accurate and value adding.

food blogger pro Nutrition Label Generator

How accurate is the Food  Blogger Pro Nutrition Label Generator?

That’s a good question and I can understand why people worry about accuracy. The fact is, Food Blogger Pro’s Nutrition Label Generator uses an API that connects to a pre-existing database of nutrition information. That means Lindsay and Bjork don’t enter the information in the system.

In order to assure quality, their system connects to a database used by other reputable food companies including Whole Foods, Epicurious, and The Daily Meal. The information you get is therefore accurate and updated on frequent basis.

Food Blogger Pro Review – Is it expensive ?

The quick answer is NO!

food blogger pro price

At the moment of writing this post, the price for this awesome training platform stands at $29/mo. What you get for this is amazing;

  • Over 300 videos,
  • Access to premium niche forum,
  • Nutrition Label Generator,
  • Exclusive prices on tools designed for food blogs,
  • Etc

Check out Food Blogger Pro!


Remember there are over 300 videos in this course so I can’t cover everything in a single Food Blogger Pro review post. I just picked up some points to help you see the awesome value the training program.

Other areas/tools covered in the course include;

Giveaways, Hotjar, FTPs, url shorteners, mailchimp, Google Search Console, Google Alerts, Google Analytics, using your DSLR camera, Natural lighting for food photography, Artificial lighting for food photography, editing photos with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, etc.

As a matter of facts, there are detailed videos covering each and every of these tools/topics.

If you are interested and excited about creating a food blog that makes real money, I recommend you check out this training program.

Let me hear from you in the comment box what you think about it!

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