Topvisor Review ~ The Next Generation Online SEO Tools!


Topvisor review: Looking at the next generation online SEO platform for rank tracking, site audit and keyword research

The SEO industry is constantly evolving making it an absolute necessity for users to always look around for state-of-the-art tools like Topvisor that will lift businesses to current trend.

Online SEO tools have been around for many years and you probably have made your choice. But smart marketers use tools that are up to the minute, accurate and intuitive.

Search engines have remarkably changed in recent years, with inbuilt capacity to deliver results based on geo-location and user device. That makes it critically important to adopt the platform that bundles the necessary tools required for improved natural exposure from well targeted audience.

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How Citations Inconsistency affects Local SEO!

local seo

Local SEO is all about answering the question: “Your customers are looking for you, but will they find you”?

With 86% of smartphone users engaging in local search, a good local SEO campaign is of paramount importance in order to gain and expand online visibility for your business.

Not to mention that the thrust of any local search marketing campaign is in creating online citations on all the relevant places; generic and niche directories.

You might have heard of this, but let me state this again ”95% of users turn to search engines to find the address, phone numbers, hours of operations, price list (other similar business details) of a local business to shop locally.”

These stats establish the fact that “correct and consistent” citations go a long way in attracting targeted traffic through local search.

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Rank checker tool ~ The best SERP Rank Checker you need this year!

My recommended Rank checker tool for 2018 and beyond!

Whatever the business you are into online, it’s important to pay attention to traffic from search engines. The simple reason is that SEO traffic is most targeted and converts the most.

Getting indexed by search engine is one thing. Being ranked on a traffic generating position is another. That’s why we need the best search engine rank checker to monitor and adjust for better position.

Most of us get traffic from search engines but without proper SEO activities. One of the things you must do to beat your competitors and pull more of the traffic is, monitor your SERP position for different keywords using the most appropriate rank checker tool.

Once you know the position you are on SERP for specific keywords, it will be easier to adjust your strategy and move to a better position.

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How to make dofollow backlinks for Google Page #1 easily!

dofollow backlinks index

Here is how to make dofollow backlinksfor Google Page #1. This simple dofollow backlinks building trick will help get your blog posts on Google page one easily and fast.

I have also found it to work very well to get my posts indexed by Google within 24 hours.

As a matter of fact, it’s not new under the sun. You might have been doing it before but I just want to add some spices to it so you can get better results.

NB: If you want blog commenting for backlinks, check out this other post. I give you details how to attract contextual backlinks blog-commenting.

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Please Help Me! This is urgent and I count on you!

please help me

I really need help and you have to do something!

Every day I get lots and lots of questions and I’m under the obligation to provide accurate answers. I don’t have any other option and I can’t stop these folks from asking me these questions.

I have questions coming from all over the world in every area of life. Anything you can think of, people asking me questions about it. No one wants to understand that I have too much work trying to answer everyone’s questions.

A few seconds ago, a guy from India wanted to know from me how to create a popular blog. While I was thinking and trying to get his question answered, many more questions were coming in. One from Canada and a lady wanted to know how to lose weight after birth. Can you imagine this! I get so many questions about weight loss. How did they come about gaining weight in the first place?

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How Mentions, Implied links can boost natural visibility & Search Traffic!

Implied links

The search engine industry has constantly been plagued by algorithmic updates and there is visibly no sign that this will cease any time soon.

While industry experts are still struggling with the swollen list of Google Ranking factors, the search giant keeps updating its algorithm in an effort to kick off poor quality websites from its front page.

Link-building has always been a strong search engine ranking factor. However, in recent past, there have been speculations that this will soon carry less importance in Google’s ranking algorithm.

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