Ikechi Awazie ~ Be Inspired and Make a Difference in 2016

Ikechi Awazie

The new year is here and it’s growing old already. But before it gets too late, we are flying to Nigeria to meet the first featured blogger of 2016, an awesome guy, loyal reader and friend.

For the past two years, I’ve been taking you to different areas of the globe, meeting and connecting very exciting people. I keep saying that success in blogging is about building an active community of people who believe and trust you.

If you stick to my Thursday posts, you will surely meet and connect with such people. Check out the complete list here

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Temok Review ~ Premium Webhosting Starting $2.99/mo

In today’s Internet and online business world, premium web hosting services don’t have to hurt your wallet. That’s why in this Temok Review post, we are looking at a cheap premium web hosting institution that packages top web hosting services and resources at  ridiculous prices.

For 10 years of creating and hosting websites (from simple presentation sites to complex ecommerce and heavy database-driven sites), I have had my shared of trouble with web hosting companies in India, USA and UK.

In those early days, I admit I was unable to point out what was my main requirement. But as time went on, I have grown to full knowledge. Now I can tell what are the main attractions when it comes to to choosing the right host.

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Content locker for WordPress ~ Unlock huge traffic to your blog!

content locker

Do you know that traffic to your blog is being locked? I will show you where and how to unlock it with content locker for WordPress.

Once your traffic is unlocked, you’ll see a rush for your articles.

Each an every visitor to your blog is supposed to trigger a flow of more traffic to your blog but because we are not giving them the means to do it, we are somehow locking the flow of that extra traffic.

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Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers ebook ~ The ebook for every blogger!

affiliate marketing for bloggers

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most exciting ways to make money as bloggers. I’m excited about how my blog generates income through this money making model. That’s why I wrote the book Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers.

In this ebook, I shared the methods that work for me, mainly on this blog. I also pointed out some other successful blogs and showed you how they make their money.

Some of the points I brought up about other blogs in these books are so exciting. It will be interesting to see how these bloggers do certain things on their blogs that keep generating their income. Note that they will never tell you this is how they make their money.

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How Citations Inconsistency affects Local SEO!

local seo

Local SEO is all about answering the question: “Your customers are looking for you, but will they find you”?

With 86% of smartphone users engaging in local search, a good local SEO campaign is of paramount importance in order to gain and expand online visibility for your business.

Not to mention that the thrust of any local search marketing campaign is in creating online citations on all the relevant places; generic and niche directories.

You might have heard of this, but let me state this again ”95% of users turn to search engines to find the address, phone numbers, hours of operations, price list (other similar business details) of a local business to shop locally.”

These stats establish the fact that “correct and consistent” citations go a long way in attracting targeted traffic through local search.

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Content promotion Strategies ~ Stats why VIDEO is a must! [Infographic]

Content promotion Strategy

Recommended tool in this post on Content promotion Strategies: Uscreen!

We are in the content age where everyone seeks to dominate his/her industry. The current trend tells us that consumers are tilting towards video content. Therefore, if video production is not part of your Content promotion Strategies, you are leaving out an important ingredient.

In today’s post, I have published an infographic that shows us jaw-dropping statistics confirming the fact that readers are beginning to pay more attention to video content than traditional articles and emails.

Before we get to the graphics below, it’s important to note that video marketing has two broad phases. These are Production and distribution.

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