How CashDonator is helping me make money – My experience!

cashdonator search box

CashDonator is a smart WordPress plugin just to help you make money. I developed this tool for WordPress bloggers who want smart ways to generate income from their blogs.

Nb: This post is to compliment this one where I wrote on how to get paid $500+ per sponsored campaign. I mentioned about using CashDonator to create review boxes on different pages to give more exposure to your clients. So here,we see how to create those boxes.

There are different ways you can use CashDonator on your blog – collect donations through Paypal, sell your own stuff through Paypal, insert newsletter opt-in forms on post content, publish banners on post content, create review boxes on your blog and add Adsense ads on your blog.

For the most part, all you will need is to copy and past code snippet, then select options to position the boxes.

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Sponsored Posts ~ How to get paid $500+ per promoted post!

sponsored posts

Accepting sponsored posts on your blog is without doubt one of the many ways to make money from your blog. I have written quite interesting materials on this blog aimed at helping my readers generate more and more income from their blogs.

One of these articles I recommend you checkout this moment is this one where I shared 15 ways to make money as a blogger.

A question I get so frequently these days from my readers is how much should they charge per promoted post and how to get paid up to $500 per article on their blogs.

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Backlink Checker: Monitor Your Backlinks for improved SEO!

backlink checker

In today’s difficult SEO, one of the the seo tools you need is a reliable backlink checker. What this will do is keep an eye on your backlinks and send you an alert whenever there is a change.  This is one of the best ways to avoid the next Google penalty distributions. is a tool I have been using for the past couple of months and because of its results, I have decided to talk about it in this review post.

This seo online tool has a couple of facilities but in this post, I will be dwelling more on its backlink checker and monitor.

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Zaxaa! Get Your business promoted by 1000s of affiliates!

How to sell a product online

Let me start this Zaxaa Review by telling you a true story. By the end of this post, you are going to have to make Zaxaa your first choice 😉

One of my readers sent me a mail and said he was looking for how to sell a product online. As a matter of fact, this guy was new to this online world. He explained to me an awesome product idea he had. Very brilliant indeed!

His major problem was to be able to sell his product on the Internet as it happens to have a global market.

Clickbank was the first thing that came to my mind simply because I have used it for quite some time now and as a matter of fact, you know while Clickbank is not a joke, Zaxaa is more and more becoming the pros’ choice.

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10 WebMeUp Alternatives!

Looking for a WebMeUp alternative? Here are 10 proposals for you today.  I’m very sure you’ll get  a perfect replacement in the list.

WebMeUp has been the number one rank tracker used by many website owners and SEO agents all around the globe. With excellent SEO facilities, including its backlink tool which is said to be the World’s biggest index of external link, WebMeUp has been unable to stand the overwhelming competition in the SEO industry.

According to an article posted on the official site, all current subscriptions have already been stopped as from July, 11, 2014 and members who had not used up their subscription were to be refunded.

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Atomic Email Hunter Review – Email Extractor, Bulk Mailer, etc

atomic email hunter review

Atomic Email  Hunter Review: Find, extract relevant email addresses, send mass mails and manage huge email lists, all these done easily.

You know how important it is to build an email list for your online business  – to find prospects that are interested in which products and services you have.

And you also know how difficult it can be to build an email list in this highly competitive digital world.

The common way is to build a blog, regularly post quality content on it, slap an opt-in form there and hope for the best. But what if you need to be a bit more proactive? What if there is a more aggressive way to build your targeted e-mail list?

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