How to drive Leads with About Me Pages!

About me pages have historically been one of the most under-treated pages on webmasters’ sites. Most commonly, bloggers end up talking about what their favorite vacation spots are or how their eight-year old won the spelling bee while standing on one foot.

They rarely are used as a functional part of the website’s lead funnel and that’s a bit of a problem considering they are one of the most visited pages on a site.

Every page on a site should serve an integral purpose that contributes to the higher goal which in most cases should be driving leads into your funnel that can then be converted into sales.

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1 Inspiring Characteristic of Successful Bloggers

I have a vision. This characteristic is something I picked up from all really successful bloggers. Top bloggers dream a vision of their life as they intend for it to be. Call it imagining your dreams. Maybe it feels like setting your goals.

At the end of the day, having a vision enables you to succeed online because you see past obstacles, resistance or current circumstances, toward your dreams. Dreams lead successful bloggers.

Right now, even though I’m in the States, I see myself blogging from the beaches of Thailand. I visited Thailand many times during the past nine years of my life. But I intend to return once international travel begins again. Why dream? Dreams lead you to be the person who eventually lives the dream. I see myself relaxing on a white sand, powdery beach.

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How to Start a Successful Blog When You Are at College

Starting a successful blog while you are still at college is a great idea since you can have enough time to grow your audience, perfect your content, and transform the blog from a hobby into a fully-fledged income source.

Furthermore, having a personal blog automatically means that you are your own employer and content manager; you get to decide on your schedule, vacations, and “office location”

Now, starting a successful blog might sound overwhelming because of just how much work you need to put in. However, if you approach your blog step by step, the process will be smooth and natural. Here are some ideas that will give you a head start.

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What Is the Best Way to Preserve Your Blogging Reputation?

Although you cannot control how people view you or how they think about you, you can preserve your blogging reputation by simply surrounding yourself with good blogging buddies.

I cannot make anyone think anything about me. Can I control someone’s mind? No way. No human can control another human’s mind. We technically cannot control our reputation but we can preserve our blogging reputation by befriending a network of close blogging buddies.

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10 money making blog post ideas.Idea #5 got $1000+ for me so quickly!

NB: I just added the 10th post idea below. So keep reading

Not every blog post on your blog has the money making capacity. I know you can scatter banners and Adsense on every article and stand a chance of making some small money.

There are however some posts that are carefully crafted with the objective of making money. So if you want to make real money from your blog, here below are some ideas to help transform it to a money making tool.

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Long-Form Content vs. Short-Form Content: What is a good Blog Post Length?

You know this never-ending debate? “Long-Form Content vs. Short-Form Content”, It’s forever hot. Guess you have once thought and asked yourself, “What is a good Blog Post Length?”.

Content writing is more than just punching your keyboard or putting words together. There’s a lot of ‘behind the scene’ activities your readers knew nothing about.

One of the biggest deal is to come up with an ideal content length. One size does not fit it all, every man for himself. If you are always caught up in this debate, I will like to ease your stress by providing you valuable insights.

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