September $150 Blog Commenting Contest! Get paid to comment!

blog commenting contest

Hi everyone! It’s another time to get paid doing what you already do daily. In this month of September 2014, $150 has been set aside by my friend Jackson  just for you.

Jackson makes money with his blog so he wants to share part of his earnings with his readers. I love what he is doing. That’s a great thought Jackson and I’m sure your readers are excited about it.

Blogging has really changed recently and I’m impressed. Many bloggers are coming up with different ways to reward their readers while maintaining the quality of engagement they get.

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Rankinity Review – Tracking Website Ranking in Real Time!

rankinity review

In today’s Rankinity Review, we are looking at an exciting SEO tool that tracks your website ranking in Real Time.  That’s the particularity of this tool, which of course has a lot more functions to help you check your website positions and analyze your competitors in popular search engines.

As I play around this online SEO Tool, I found out it’s an efficient engine that addresses the needs of both SEO specialists and webmaster on a single platform.

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2 Free WordPress Plugins To Boost Your Traffic & Affiliate Income!

Free Wordpress Plugins

I found 2 free wordpress plugins that can help boost your traffic and increase your affiliate earnings. If you are interested in generating income from your blog, I think you’ll have to pay attention to this post.There are two serious issues I want to face today;

  1. Traffic to your blog on autopilote – From social media
  2. Generate more affiliate sales or sale more copies of your product.

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August Report! 232 Commentators, 662 comments and You!

It’s been another serious months here and time to say Thank You! My readers have been awesome and it’s all been about them. Yes! That’s about you.

You were 232 comment authors with 662 comments and that’s been really exciting. You are the reason why blogging is one activity that pumps up wonderful feelings in me.

During the last 2 weeks of August, my commenting activities got slowed down a bit. I put in more time in an ongoing project and it’s surely going to be made public this week. I’m really excited about it because it’s going to help bloggers get traffic even without search engines or social media. I’ll be saying more about it later.

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Harleena Singh, The Commenting Superstar & Proficient Writer!

Harleena Singh

Hi everyone, today is another exciting day and we are meeting someone who has done a lot to push many new bloggers to the top.

I can’t tell any good story about my blog without mentioning this lady. The first time I saw her was on Adrienne Smith’s blog.

You will quickly locate her as soon as you step on a blog where she has been, from her long and meaningful comments. For the most parts, her comments are longer than some posts. I used to ask her if she was born with the keyboard in her hands.

You can imaging my excitement when she stepped and commenting on my blog for her first time.

OMG! who is this? She is here!

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How To Double Your Traffic This EoM! Guaranteed!!!

It’s end of month of February and for WordPress bloggers like me, it’s time to shoot your traffic through the roof and boost engagement with MyCommentAuthors.

Everyone that visited and commented on your blog this month will be excited to hear you say “Thank You” and is there any better way to say it other than MyCommentAuthors?

Many bloggers have seen this plugin very useful. What it does is simply generate for you a list of those who have been active on your blog during a certain period. Well, version 1.3 has something a little more. I’ll talk to you about it in a moment!

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