Guest Posts wanted for $100 per post!

Guest Posts wanted! Get paid real money to guest post!

There are many sites out there that pay per post published. Some pay too low while others really pay handsomely. I think $100 per article is something to consider.

Most of us are looking for guest post opportunities where we can submit articles for traffic, networking and of course SEO benefits. Well this is something that goes beyond that and adds some monetary benefits.

This opportunity I want to share with you does not accept just any article of course. There are some requirements and I’ll like you to go check out yourself.

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Speakol Review ~ Better than traditional Blog commenting?

speakol argument

Speakol review – looking at something that’s about challenging traditional blog commenting tools!

Blog commenting has been around since the first blog went live. It has been an exciting way for blog owners to stay in constant interaction and conversion with their readers.

Commenting helps us in building relationships, improving SEO and getting more traffic. As a matter of fact, blog commenting is the main activity that helps me build an active and money making blogging community.

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Blogging Platforms Compared ~ WordPress Vs Blogger!

blogging platforms

There are quite many blogging platforms now available to the blogging community. However, it cannot be argued that WordPress and Blogger are the big game players.

I started my blogging journey in 2012 with WordPress and have been with it till date. Truth is I don’t have any experience with blogger but I’ll like to smell it in the days ahead.

I have seen a lot of people switching camps. For the most part, people leaving Blogger to WordPress. That points to something we may worry about.

I don’t know which platform you have chosen and for what reasons. I know people don’t just do things. There must be reasons behind their actions. Even if you are just following the crowd, that’s still a reason behind your actions.

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How to be a Smarter Blogger with Fabrizio Van Marciano

Hurrah! Hurrah 😉

This is Thursday and I’m here with another great guy I have know for some few years.  Here is an active blogger you should check out and connect with.

Before I get into his details, check out who has been featured in the past here. These are all men and women in the blogging industry that are worth networking with.

You know success in blogging hugely depends in how big and active your community is. Having real bloggers with an active online presence around you will help boost your blogging. So check them out and hook up

Fabrizio Van Marciano is a proud father of two, a devoted husband to be, a professional blogger, internet entrepreneur, web and graphic designer from England, UK. 

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Hotjar Review ~ The Heatmap tool to improve website usability!

I want to start this hotjar review by asking you a couple of questions:

  • Do you understand your visitors?
  • Do you know where they click more on your site?
  • Do you know what they think about your site?
  • Do you know which portion of your site they spend more time on?

One of the most crucial things to do to succeed with your website is to understand your visitors. Whenever a reader is on your blog, it’s crucial to track and record his mouse movements. As a matter of fact, this is the best way to know what’s on their minds. 

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Should dates be disabled on Blog Posts, Comments & SERP?

We know a vital element in content marketing is time. Whether you are blogging, writing e-books, creating infographics, etc, one of the things you strive to do is produce the most up-to-date material.

Human readers as well as search engines are out for what’s new and consumable. Now, if you create a new blog content on “what’s new in WordPress 2.0“, chances are that no one will pay attention to your article because WordPress 2.0 is almost not found on any blog today (except maybe on your local offline server).

So when it comes to dates and content freshness, I’m thinking of two characteristics;

  1. Completely new content.
  2. Updated content.

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