4 Time Saving Tips for Bloggers

I am a busy blogging bee today.

Heck; I am a busy blogging bee every day. But today I am a bit more busy. I commuted from New York City to New Jersey after doing a short house sit in the city.

Anytime I hit the road I need to be super mindful of using time effectively. Subway trips, bus rides and plane rides all eat into the time I’d spend online, engaging in my blogging duties.

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Guide on How to Make a Movie Trailer with Movavi Video Editor

Make a Movie Trailer with Movavi Video Editor

Movie trailer is a great way for you to market your movie. A good trailer allows your movie to quickly become viral on the social media site. A trailer will only last for 2-3 minutes so you want to make the best use of the time to show only the most exciting clips in the movie. You must arrange the sequence in such a way that your viewers will  understand what the movie is about within the first 20 seconds of the trailer.

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What It Takes to Build a Thriving Online Business

11:23 PM.

A late Wednesday night.

After a long work/play day I am writing this post.

I love writing. So I write. I also love circling the globe as a pro blogger.

I enjoy my freedom more than I fear doing uncomfortable things to succeed.

Building a thriving online business takes a full commitment to gobbling up opportunities like a Blogging Pac Man.

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Blogging and Cryptocurrency? Here’s the Connection

The cryptocurrency train has barreled through the station, and it ain’t slowing down any time soon.

Established crypto trader – and this blog’s owner – Enstine Muki knows this.

I am devoting my 24-7, 365 attention to a currency known as Blogging From Paradise so I am not hopping on the crypto train now but if you have any questions do contact Enstine. The guy is a pro.

I spotted a few analogies between crypto and blogging.

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How to Remain Energized for Your Online Business

I am not the Energizer Bunny.

But I am a kinda energetic dude.

Many folks want to know my secrets for remaining energized for your online business.

If you consistently raise your energy levels you literally operate above the problems, obstacles and roadblocks faced by most online entrepreneurs who are vibing on a lower wavelength. Their fear-based energy makes them a match for writer’s block, smallish life circumstances and all manner of piddly mental blocks that you would look past if you vibed on a higher level, in the spectrum of love, fun and abundance, versus the fear, stress and scarcity level that most entrepreneurs vibe at.

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5 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging


Following a few basic fundamentals of blogging promotes your success.

Established pro bloggers stick to the basics day in and day out to build thriving, renowned ventures in their niche of choice.

Struggling bloggers skip the fundamentals, to their blogging demise.

Don’t skip the basics. These steps may not be sexy but every successful blogger who enjoys the ride follows most if not all of these steps persistently.

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