10 Silly Reasons Why Blogs Fail (The HeartBreaking Truth that Will Help You Succeed)

why blogs fail

It breaks my heart every single time someone types “why blogs fail” into the google search bar.

Want to know why?

Because that someone is just like you, a dreamer whose hardwork, longsuffering and faith has only been rewarded with disappointment and heartbreak.

You hear that starting a blog is a great way to make money online and so you start one.

6 months of pounding away at it and you come to a series of grim realizations:

  1. Blogging isn’t easy.
  2. Half your blogging peers already gave up.
  3. Another 45% are right where you are at, slugging it out in the dark.
  4. The other 5% succeeding seem to have super powers or an army of supporters far out of your reach.

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How to Tackle Data Privacy and Security Issues When Hiring Freelancers

Hiring freelancers is a very cost-effective way to scale a business, especially for startups and small businesses.

Not only does the booming gig economy allow companies to hire professionals at competitive rates, freelancers also cost significantly less to maintain than an in-house team. You don’t have to invest in a long-term office space, training, and benefits.

However, hiring freelancers to power your business does come with risks.

Since freelancers are most likely to work remotely, you can leave your organization vulnerable to a number of online threats. This includes digital eavesdropping, malware-infected devices, and unencrypted file sharing.

In this post, we will discuss the top cybersecurity tips that will help you address the risks associated with remote work.

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Do You Lose Freedom Bartering for Dollars?

I scanned my email moments ago.

A few folks replied to my emails with complaints about my price being expensive and being on a budget. But the folks reached out to me. People pitched me. I did not pitch them. Meaning they need to be on my blog more than I need them.

After quoting my fixed rates, the same people pitching me complained about my fixed rates. Some replied with rates 85% lower than my fixed price. Not only did the individuals ignore my fixed rate email; a few folks wished to get an 85% discount because of their budget.

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Backlink Building: 3 uncommon link building Techniques!

Is backlink building *really* hard?

The answer depends on your Strategy, But I have something entirely different for you.

As one of the highest value components of SEO, link building is a lot more critical than people imagine. The truth is – you can’t enjoy maximum organic traffic without quality backlinks.

The volume is high enough you can hear: Quality over Quantity, even if you are using powerful tools like SEMrush for SEO and Marketing

Linking building is hard, and that’s why it’s still a top-ranking factor. One of the greatest blogging mistakes you should avoid is not building backlinks.

To smooth the way for you, I would show you 3 unique link building techniques you can leverage even if you are a nobody.

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Pro Blogging Tip: Study the Tide

Miss me? I have been gone for a minute.

I took my foot off of the guest posting pedal recently.

My wife and I are selling the home. We’ve been busy with showings, prepping the house and all that good stuff. Home-prep-work eats into my blogging time a wee bit over the past 1-2 months. But I simply honored this down time. I see pro blogging like the tide. Have you spent time by the ocean? I lived in tropical paradises like Bali, Fiji and Thailand for months at a time. Every trip reminds me how life is similar to the ebb and flow of the tide.

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