4 easy steps to attract Influencers to link and promote your content!

Content promotion doesn’t always have to be a catch-22!

Especially when you know how to find influencers and coerce them to do all of the heavy lifting while promoting your content.

It’s an easy task, and if you’ve heard the saying “work smarter, not harder,” this post is for you.

In the blogging industry the old adage of “If you create stellar content they will flock to your site” seems to be obsolete.

The general rule of the thumb is to spend 20%of your time creating your content and the remaining 80% in promoting it. 20% of your effort produces 80% of the results and vice versa.

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How to generate a list of your commentators and what to do with it.

list of commentators

Blog commenting is a very profitable blogging exercise.

When I got into blogging, I was quickly introduced to it and it worked so well for me. I was able to quickly grow my community by reading and dropping engaging comments on other blogs.

I can vividly remember those my early days when commenting was a huge networking tool. Of course it still works today if properly practiced.

One of the reasons blog commenting works so well for me is because I do not comment for the sake of backlinks. I comment for 2 main reasons:

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How to Breeze Through Your Morning Emails with Unroll Me!

unroll me unsubscribe

One of the things we do online daily is submit our email addresses to different services and often, things get out of control.

Chances are that you now receive dozens of emails on a daily basis. Every time you sign up for email updates and newsletters, you’re going to get thrown lots of emails just from one specific company.

The difficulty and pain of having to open each email and click the unsubscription link makes the exercise a pure nightmare, given the number of unwanted messages we get daily.

For this reason, a lot of people have chosen to make use of an un-subscription service known as Unroll.me. Unroll Me has become a leader in getting rid of the problems that come with a full and confusing inbox.

Recommended: Email Marketing Guidelines for Increased Conversion Rate in 2019.

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My Tweet Party Results: 6.6 million reach in ONE hour for free (OMG)!

chat report

Tweet parties are a huge branding and traffic Twitter live event. But they are less popular.

Few people talk about it. Bloggers hardly mention it. And these parties are quite easy to host. That’s the happy truth.

It may costs absolutely nothing to do a successful Twitter chat party. You don’t have need for any complex software. No renting of party space.

You need however some Twitter Apps. But these are free. Again, you don’t spend anything to run a successful party. Trust me you are going to like the idea by the end of this post. If my stats don’t get you fueled, then Twitter is certainly not for you.

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8 tips to attract more clicks to your blog without Clickbait!

8 tips to attract more clicks to your blog without Clickbait

The reason for tweaking article titles is to increase clicks and traffic. Poor titles and headlines are like closed doors. We have to make them as attractive as possible to help readers discover our content.

Some people however have gone out of their ways, using all they have, including clickbaits to transform eyeballs on titles to clicks.

Clickbait is one of the internet most common ways to create headlines nowadays. They are promising and sensational and make you believe you will get some wonderful information about something.

The truth is, they are often misleading and do not always deliver what they promise. It has become each day more and more epidemic and you can’t barely navigate without coming across a of couple of these headlines.

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Business Process Automation (BPA) and Blogging! How does it work?

Blogging in recent times has grown from simply creating and publishing text to a full blown income generating business.

But sadly, many bloggers are still blogging like was done in those early days. I know some folks blog as a hobby. But how does that stop you from turning it into a business as this is easy to do?

But there are two things you can add to blogging that will transit from a mere hobby to a full time income generator and I want to briefly touch on these:

  1. Adding a business to your blogging.
  2. Adding Automation to the business.

Is Blogging a Business?

Well, blogging isn’t business until you make it one. And there are different ways to turn blogging into any form of successful business:

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