How to make $1,550 from Guest Posting!

If you ever believed anyone who told you guest posting isn’t working, this post is meant to correct that information you received.

It’s the best way to leverage someone’s marketplace and if you’ve got value in your articles, you’ll get for yourself nice returns.

The month of January 2020 wasn’t a bad one at all as I submitted quite a number of guest articles to some authority blogs.

Yes it matters where you publish your articles for any reason. Authority blogs are blogs that command attention. For the most part, it’s not bread and butter to go through the requirements to feature on these websites.

But do not panic. You can do it. All you need is Ryan’s eBook:

guest posts on authority blogs

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How did I make $1,550 from guest articles?

NB: This is not an income report post. These are just earnings from Consultation and WordPress Services I offered to clients directly coming from my guest posts.

I do not submit articles primarily for backlinks. The proof is that you’ll see me regularly posting on some blogs.

I do it to maintain a healthy relationship with the blog owners while providing valuable information to help their readers. I know for sure these readers will click to my blog for my services.


Because I’m selfless and I have something I can offer to help. I have blogged consistently for over 7 years so I can coach anyone to create a successful blog.

Readers of my guest articles get to me for Coaching, WordPress and SEO Services. These are all hot pieces of cake in the industry. Many have ended up buying my eBook to help them make money.

I often get mails like this:

web hosting services

Still don’t know why you should guest post? Take a look at Ryan’s blog post here

Where do I guest post?

I’m still looking for more guest post opportunities. But here below are some blogs that have featured some of my articles in the last few months.

guest post site list

NB: I have more guest posts approved and scheduled on more blogs not on the list.

Let me know what you think.

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