6 Digital Marketing Tactics that will Help You Retain Customers

Boosting your customer base is important. However, what happens when a customer makes a purchase on your site for the first time? How many of these customers come back to you to make another purchase?

Statistics say that retaining loyal customers is more profitable than attracting new ones. Loyal customers keep coming back to your store, boosting your profits. Above all, they’re your biggest brand advocates.

As long as they’re satisfied with your products and customer services, they will share the positive word of mouth and create tons of valuable user-generated content.

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Google first page guaranteed in 2020 ~ 3 Tips to Rank on Google Page #1

Hot SEO Tips for bloggers show you how to take your entries to Google page 1 within 24 hours with a Guarantee. Implement these search engine optimization tips and experience a growth in search traffic #seotips #googlepageone #seo

I know you want guaranteed google first page and I want to give you some really hot tips to achieve this. It only takes you 2 things to be on that highly coveted spot:

  1. Read this post attentively
  2. Do the things I suggest

I used to think getting to Google first page is very hard and I used to really feel it tough. That was because I wasn’t doing the things I’m about to share with you in this post.

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How to get good keywords from GWT, now Google Search Console (GSC)

best free online keyword tool

Treated: How to get good keywords from gwt!

Recently, I noticed an incredible improvement in my search ranking as a result of studying GWT (now Google Search Console), discovering new good keywords and tweaking my articles for better results.

Keyword research is the most important and crucial step in any successful online campaign. While some users have opted to ignore Google natural traffic, I think it’s still important to know what’s in searchers’ mind each time they use Google.

Knowing how to do keyword research and often doing it before creating blog post determines how you will succeed in pulling search traffic to your blog. While we are advised to just flow in writing for human readers not search bot, we cannot completely neglect search spiders.

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How to do SEO When You Don’t Have Money to Invest?

Here on Enstine’s awesome blog, I wanna show you how to do SEO when you don’t have any money to invest. Whether you are newbie looking for SEO tips for beginners or you are guru, at one point, we don’t want to spend money.

I know the craft well because that’s the situation I was in – once.


My site is on the rise, that’s all I’ll say:) and yes, SEO is easy

So, being broke didn’t stop me at all, but instead fueled my creativity and desire to push on no matter what.  And I hope this post does the same to you you deserve to have your affiliate blog rank high in Google.


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7 Ways You Are Doing Keyword Research Wrong and Here is How to Fix!

No matter whatever online business you are managing, getting more traffic always remains an extreme desire.

Increasing website traffic may bring more visitors to your site and consequently better chances for increasing sales as well as revenue.

On a planet where every business is running in a rat race to get more eyeballs and turn prospects into customers, you need to do things differently.

None can deny by the fact that organic search engine traffic is the most effective free source of web traffic that smart businesses are looking for. Organic traffic is not only free but also has the potential to bring highly targeted visitors to your site.

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Advanced internal linking- The best tactic you’re completely neglecting (stop the madness!)

advanced link building

Hey there,

I recently wrote a post here at EnstineMuki.com about beginner internal linking hacks; those that most people know about, but still don’t do. Be sure to read it someday, as it’ll bring your whole SEO (not just links and link juice) to a new level, I promise.

But here, now, I want to talk a bit about advanced internal linking tactics. I say “advanced” because that’s what they are. Hey… These however are friendly for you if you are new to SEO

Not because they’re hard to implement; but because they involve a bit of thinking and a lot of knowledge on how Google and other search engines rank websites, (especially in regards to links and equity flow).

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