Getting by With a Little Help from Your Friends

The best tactics to optimize your social media presence and make more money

Social media marketing (SMM) is currently the big deal. By narrowing your advertising focus to people who would be more inclined to be interested and have the money to spend on your product (no matter what your product is), you can get a lot more bang for your advertising buck.

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3 Ways You Are Leaving Social Media Traffic on the Table

After reading thousands of blogs during my 9 year blogging career I spot patterns.

Successful bloggers master the principle of leveraging.

If you look at Blogging From Paradise – my blog – for a minute you see I give readers plenty of opportunities to join my list and to comment on my blog posts.

Email list traffic is traffic on demand; perhaps the ultimate form of leveraging. Blog commentators add credibility and content to my blog, both leveraging traffic builders. Social media tools fall into this category as well, such as an Instagram growth service which can be easily utilized to drive more organic traffic and increase the number of followers.

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How to Increase Social Media Traffic with two social media traffic apps!

How to Increase Social Media Traffic With Two social media traffic apps!

One of the things we can no longer ignore as online entrepreneurs is social media traffic. Without searching too deep, one can easily notice that social media has quickly become an important source of traffic and almost everyone online is scrambling for it.

We’ve been told that to get considerable amount of traffic from the Internet monster without doing social PPC, you need a huge follower base.  That was true some years back.

Things have changed today, allowing folks to pull in huge traffic from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc,  even if they just started on them some few minutes ago.

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Increase social shares on posts ~ 3 killer (UNTAPPED) ways!

Do you want to Increase social shares on your blog post? Ok I want to discuss 2 powerful yet untapped ways to help your readers share your articles.

We know social media is an unfailing channel to pull traffic to your blog posts. While you are encouraged to build a huge social media presence by growing your friends and followers, technology has given us multiple ways to tap into this traffic gold mine even with a proven weak social base.

There are well known methods to increase social shares on your articles. One of these is Influencer Marketing (also Influence Marketing). It allows you to dig deep into what others have done by simply tickling them into sharing your articles.

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How to get Quality Blog Traffic From Twitter with ZERO Followers!

quality traffic twitter

In today’s post, we are about to see how to effectively get quality traffic from Twitter to your blog posts even if you have ZERO followers.

Naturally, the more followers you have on Twitter, the more traffic. If this is true, then it’s common sense to think that zero followers means zero traffic. But what’s the unexplained trick behind having more traffic with zero followers?

Well, it’s not about using tools like JustRetweet, EasyRetweet, etc (which of course are great tools) The issue though with such tools is people tweet or retweet your text for the sake of the reward attached to it.

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I don’t have time to comment! How do I keep going?


We know blog commenting is an exciting blogging activity that generates exciting results. Though some big blogs have shut down comments, it still remains a huge growth weapon.

I have always mentioned that blogging is not just about crafting and publishing ‘killer’ content. It’s more about engaging with people. Yes! Blogging has grown into becoming a community building tool.

Before I continue, here is a post I wrote on a Hidden Blog Commenting Trick For Huge Traffic & Networking! I recommend you check that out.

Bloggers are like movie or music stars. Yes! We are stars too 😉 

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