How to avoid plagiarism ~ Check the unauthorized use of your content

How to avoid plagiarism

As a blogger and content creator, one of the things I care about is the protection of my properties. Unauthorized use of others contents is a serious menace in blogging. That’s why I’m writing about how to avoid plagiarism today, providing a useful tool to help us check the activity.

Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional writings or ideas of another without proper attribution use. In academia, acts of plagiarism can lead to poor grades, dismissal course or exclusion. In the professional and systematic communities, the original author can sue for money damages a plagiarist on fraud and copyright infringement statues.

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High Bounce Rate? Your internal links are DUMB! Here is the Ultimate FIX!

As bloggers, one of the things that call more of our attention is the bounce rate. This is the measurement of how many visitors land on your blog and close the page within a specific period without clicking a link to another page on the same blog.

NB: It’s amazing how this little tweak I want to share here can drastically reduce your bounce rate so I suggest you read thoroughly and take action

If 300 visitors visited your blog yesterday (coming in from different sources – search engine, social media, paid ads, newsletters, etc) and landed on any page/post on your blog …

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Top blogging communities – Driving Traffic with is no doubt one of the top blogging communities we have today for blog traffic. It is has been an interesting source of traffic to my blog in recent times.

As a matter of fact, there are a couple of recommendable blogging communities on the the net right this moment but I want to duel more on Klinkk. If you have not created a free account on this platform, click here and sign up for free.

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How to make extra money from home ~ Question Answered!

make extra money at home

I have a classmate who relocated to Belgium some few years back. This guy works in a local baker’s shop and earns just enough to pay his bills.  Last week, I got a mail from him asking if I have materials to help him make extra money from home.

Everyone is almost unsatisfied with the current state of things. There is always need for some additional income. Some people even go as far as having 2 jobs – one in the day and one in the night. I wonder if such people have a life of their own.

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Completely NEW way to monetize blog posts – Never seen elsewhere

monetize blog posts

As bloggers,we have quite a good number of ways to make money with our blogs. We are used to affiliate banner ads, adsense, text link ads, sponsored posting, ad space sales, etc. These are actually powerful ways to monetize blog posts.

But there is a completely new way you can monetize your blog posts starting from today!

This is certainly nothing you have heard before. It’s based however on an object you might have used on your blog but did you know you can add a little touch to it and let it fetch you some money?

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How to increase blog traffic with Schema markup


Hi everyone I’m happy to bring to you a wonderful guy from India. Karmakar has a lot to tell us about SEO. He is someone to listing to. He is the author of SEO Beginner 2 Pro, a 547 Page ebook on everything you need to know about Search Engine Optimization and Social Media. This book has contributions from some top expert in the industry. While I recommend you check out this power packed seo ebook, let’s read on to discover what Karmakar has to say on how to increase blog traffic with Schema markup

I am quite sure that if you are a blogger then you must be familiar with the word HTML tags.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language which is the basic unit of websites. The web pages and other information appearing in the browsers are basically written in HTML.

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