HOT!!! How to increase referral traffic without Sweating!

referral traffic

There are different channels of traffic to your website. Generally, these are Organic search, Referral, Direct, Social, and email. Depending on your campaign and strategies, these generate different results on your website;

Social traffic generates more social shares, Organic search traffic converts more, etc. So while we need traffic from all of these channels, we may want to prefer some channels more. A huge targeted email list may be a good source of high traffic that converts. Why because those are your subscribers that know and trust you already.

Referral traffic (Traffic from links on other websites) can also be very targeted because visitors are attracted by the title and possibly description of your article before clicking to read more. We want to focus on this in this post and see how you can get more of this with a simple “Copy and Paste” exercise. 

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How Lesly Federici can help increase your Affiliate Marketing sales!

Lesly Federici

It’s another Thursday and I’m excited this time to introduce someone special to you. It’s fun to come up with these Thursday posts where I connect bloggers and of course promote my friends.

Last week, I deliberately did not not highlight just one blogger. What I did was I posted a list of 20 top bloggers you should follow in 2015 and beyond. It’s a tough list so I encourage you check that one out.

Today we are meeting Lesly Federici, someone I met through interacting with Monna Ellithorpe. Quickly, we became friends and I was invited on her platform where I did my first guest post of 2015. I love each minute I spend with Lesly on Facebook and today, I’m excited to let everyone know about her awesomeness.

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Exceptional Keyword research tips to help increase Affiliate Sales!

Today, we have some actionable keyword research tips from Jake, Brand Manager for Long Tail Pro. He’s an expert in Keyword research and inbound marketing so it’s a huge pleasure to have him share some powerful points with us that are confirmed to help us generate more income with Affiliate Marketing. If you want tips on SEO for newbies, you are going to like this post

Jake is not only here to talk about keyword stuff. He’s also got a special gift for you my readers. I’m a firm user of Long Tail Pro so I highly recommend you check it out now that its Brand Manager is here with a special discount. 

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January 2015 Report ~ Income and Engagement!

payoneer payment

The Month of January 2015 was certainly tough. There were general cries all over the globe as some business witnessed a drop in income.

However, while some were yawning and staring at their disturbing financial records, some have been celebrating because business cannot be bad for every body at once.

Engagement on this blog was super exciting. I published 15 awesome blog posts and received wonderful comments from my readers.

I discovered that commentLuv suddenly went crazy and refused to pull feeds and create backlinks for my commentators.  I deliberately did not want to try to fix the issue just to see how it goes without it. I got the biggest positive surprise of the month which was that I got even more comments than last month.

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How to INSTANTLY reduce Bounce Rate with Zero Bounce WP Plugin!

reduce bouce rate

Bounce Rate is one of the things that pull a great portion of our attention. As a blogger or website owner, I know you are certainly worried with your bounce rate being above 50% and the main reason you are reading this post is you want to cut it down to as low as possible.

In the past, I brought out some little known tricks how to effectively reduce your bounce rate by psychologically causing readers to click internal links on your articles. Check out the article here and please remember to share it.

Recently, I ran into a plugin that has blown me away. I had no other option than grab a copy for my blog and the results obviously are keeping me excited.  I’m talking about Zero Bounce WordPress Plugin.

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Online plagiarism checker for Writers & Bloggers!

plagiarism detection online

If you are into any sort of content production, you know one of the things you have to constantly deal with is content theft. So you have to constantly find who is making unauthorized use of your dear content. Plagiarism is tough and for the most part, we need a good online plagiarism checker to maintain a constant fight to protect our works.

I personally prefer an online plagiarism detection tool because of the beauty of working online – not limited to any desktop installed copy. I know my preference may not be the best but using a desktop program to check for plagiarism is not something I can vote for 😉

Now, we can look at Plagiarism from different perspectives. However, in this post, we are looking at Unplag, an exceptional plagiarism online checker. I think this tool stands out and you can see it for yourself by running a demo.

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