Atomic Email Hunter Review – Email Extractor, Bulk Mailer, etc

atomic email hunter review

Atomic Email  Hunter Review: Find, extract relevant email addresses, send mass mails and manage huge email lists, all these done easily.

You know how important it is to build an email list for your online business  – to find prospects that are interested in which products and services you have.

And you also know how difficult it can be to build an email list in this highly competitive digital world.

The common way is to build a blog, regularly post quality content on it, slap an opt-in form there and hope for the best. But what if you need to be a bit more proactive? What if there is a more aggressive way to build your targeted e-mail list?

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Reponsive wordpress news theme – X Theme 2.0 released!

wordpress magazine theme

X theme 2.0 has been released and it’s a must-have reponsive wordpress news theme for news papers and magazine sites.

In my first review of X theme, I pointed out great features that have been built in this leader WordPress template. It is the most complete theme ever with tons of options.

As a matter of fact, you can do literally anything with X WordPress Theme. A few things that makes it powerful are the technical support, the training videos in the member area, different customization possibility, etc. If you did not have the opportunity to read my first review, check it out here.

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Zaxaa membership plugin ~ Free WP membership plugin!

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Download Zaxaa membership plugin – free membership plugin for your WordPress blog. Click here

The best way to make money online all the time is to create a membership or subscription sites where members pay a monthly recurring fee. The reason is that you are sure of your monthly income, as long as you have your members. The only job you have to do is maintain the site and of course the content.

There are two main problems to creating membership sites and  making money with them. In this post, I’m going to resolve one of these problems and probably attempt a solution to the other problem.

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Affiliate Marketing Training Videos – Market Research and Keywords

Affiliate Marketing Training Videos

If you are serious about making money with Affiliate Marketing, then you need to enroll in a course that’s proven to produce results.

I have written a review of Affiliobluprint, which is an excellent training course to make out of you a complete affiliate marketer capable of making 6 figures a year.

In today’s post, we are looking at what is offered in step 1 of Affilioblueprint, an excellent affiliate marketing video training program.

Remember there are over 85 downloadable videos in the whole course covering every aspect of Affiliate marketing.  In this first section, we have 6 videos that take you through the very necessary beginning of market research and keyword.

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How to make money with CommentLuv Premium!

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For some years now, CommentLuv has been the star plugin for both WordPress and Blogger bloggers. It’s been the number one 6 – in-1 plugin for traffic, links and overall engagement on blogs. The money making aspect of this plugin for long has been under the table.

In today’s post, we are looking at how this plugin can help us make money as bloggers and affiliate marketers.

NB: If you are already promoting this product, I recommend you still read this post. I have shared some pretty awesome methods and tips to apply to your campaigns and make more sales.

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CommentLuv Premium Discount Code ~ $52 OFF Coupon!

CommentLuv Premium Discount Code feat

Here is a quick CommentLuv Premium Discount Code for you lovers of engagement, traffic and backlinks.

I know most of us having been looking for a discount and here, Andy, the developer is making it possible for you to grab this wonderful plugin for less than half the price.

He is bringing the price of the developer version from $97 down to $45. That’s $52 to save.

Here are 3 steps to benefit from this reduction

1 – Clear the cache of your browser.
2 – Click this unique link to go to the order page.
3 – Before you checkout, use this coupon code to bring down the price to $45.

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