How to create a blog that will generate increasing income!

How to create a blog that makes you money

Not every blog makes money. But any blog can make money if given the right elements and  anyone can start a blog any time.

Many bloggers blog for many different reasons but most of us (bloggers) dream to generate some income in the activity. Unfortunately, this has always been difficult to achieve.

There are many reasons bloggers fail to hit their targets. But I think everything revolves round the fact that they fail to treat blogging like a business.

Like any other business, if you handle your blog with levity or not doing the right things, you are bound to fail.

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5 Not so Popular But Essential Tips That Will Make You a Celebrated Blogger

You want to build such a name that when heard; everyone will give you a standing ovation or even kneel down.

Well, I don’t know if you can achieve that with blogging judging by the fact you’re not Jesus Christ.

However, what I do know is that you can become a blogger that everyone will love to celebrate.

You can become a blogger that people will always like to associate with knowing you’re a big deal.

You can build such a name that every blogger in the world will be fortunate to seat with you even for few seconds.

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Are You Blogging The Right Way To Satisfy Your Readers?

After spending years in the blogosphere, it’s hard to say whether you are going on the right track or not. It is because maybe you have to learn the right way to blog. There are millions of blogs but are they all appealing to you?  I don’t think so.

There are many aspects of blogging and to know that, you should raise a question “are you blogging the right way“? Have you ever thought about the way you write your blog articles? Are your readers happy with your blog.

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$3,513 a day with SwissCoin MLM ~ Join the revolution!


SwissCoin is cryptocurrency. But the SwissCoin MLM marketing strategy adopted is generating daily earnings for everyone promoting it. SwissCoin pays daily and their compensation plan is hybrid and phenomenal.

No dead legs, no autoship and you start earning direct bonuses even without having paid any activation fee.That means if you signup today for free, you stand the chance of making your first 100 euro in a mater of hours or days.

Some folks think Swisscoin is scam. They said the same things about Bitcoin. While they sit back and say what they think, we are making the money and going ahead.

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How to Get Visitors to Love Your Blog?

Just eight months ago I looked at what my blog visitors were doing using simple research tools like Google Analytics, and there were some stunning surprises for me.

The facts were disturbing.

About 60% my visitors were new with the majority of these visitors staying on my blog for less than 3 minutes, not checking out any other pages and resulting in a bounce rate of 75.5%

Not only that the level of engagement with my posts was practically zero apart from some long-time supporters who knew and liked me.

Wow…this was a real shock to my system.

I needed to rethink my whole approach to blogging.

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SwissCoin SCAM ~ Now on CoinExchange and Still Scam?

Swisscoin SCAM! That’s what I hear from some individuals. They are very sure about it and they’ve made up their minds not to even give it a try. They believe this opportunity is scam!

Some are on the fence. They keep asking ‘Is Swisscoin SCAM?’

Now, the more they hang around, asking questions, time is going. But here is a simple question:

Will you risk €500 and stand the chance of being the next millionaire or spend your money now (on Hamburger, roasted fish, beer, dresses, women, etc) and stand the chance of regretting (seriously) afterward?

Edited: Swisscoin is now listed on CoinExchange. Start Trading now!

I’d rather lose €100 than seeing I have lost €1000,000 in trying not to lose €100

Kristoffer Koch (the Norwegian guy) heard about BitCoin in 2009 and decided to throw away $27. The results was $886,000 a few years later.

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