How to Find the Best Freelance Websites for Your Business!

There are tons of freelance platforms out there but finding the best freelance websites is not something that’s easy to deal with.

In this post, I’m not going to give you a list of these platforms. I’ll give you checkpoints to help you find the best freelance service to function with.

Choosing the wrong platform could simply mean the beginning of a broken business. That’s why you should not rush at this point. Following these simple tips will help you locate the most qualified talent for your job.

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Exit Intent ~ Increase Email Signup to 600%, reduce cart abandonment!

Exit Intent is basically, an Internet marketing technology that monitors mouse behavior of website visitors and detects when they are likely to leave the website or web page.

The intention of website readers can easily be read following the direction they push their mouse cursor. When they move their mouse pointer to the close button of the web browser, their intention to close the window is quickly and easily deciphered.

Exit Intent technology comes in at this point to decide what to do with the reader who intends to leave. What generally it does is trigger a lightbox with information intended to hold the reader back from exiting. This lightbox is generally referred to as Exit-Intent Popup.

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How to Handle Business Crises

No matter how much planning you do you cannot avoid business crises.

Partnerships dissolving into thin air, your e-commerce site crashing or changing economic conditions level all but the most calm, confident and clear entrepreneurs.

Since you cannot dodge emergencies it’s wise to have a plan in place to deal with business resistance.

Struggling entrepreneurs press the panic button when things go south, making their business problems multiply at a rapid pace.

Experienced, calm and focused business owners know how to proceed despite any chaotic conditions arising concerning their venture.

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5 Steps to Think and Act Like a Successful Business Owner

Successful entrepreneurs think and act like top pros before successful results flow to them.

Mastering this concept takes time, patience and a willingness to delay your gratification.

If you follow top business owners in your niche you find that the majority worked intelligently for years before their ventures took off in a big league way.

Follow these 5 steps to think and act like a successful business owner.

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1 Simple Way to Get More Clients

Freelance writing.

Blog coaching.

Web design.

Web development.

All entrepreneurs build client bases to grow thriving businesses.

I coach. I freelance write. I offer various consulting services.

After 10 years online I have experienced the simple way to get more clients; do such a great job with current clients that said clients refer you to new clients.

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