Stop Making These 4 Ebook Selling Mistakes That Kill Your Sales

ebook selling mistakes

Creating and selling ebook is one of the best ways to open a steady stream of passive online income. As a blogger, the best thing about ebook creation is you don’t need to possess extra skills to create the product. All you need to do is to do what you’re really good at- writing. In fact, instead of writing an ebook from scratch, you can even re-purpose your published blog post and convert it to an ebook.

In a blogger’s perspective, writing an ebook may be an easy task. The toughest part is acquiring customers to sell your ebook. Having experience in creating and selling ebooks, the one thing I can say is selling a product isn’t an easy task and it should never be overlooked.

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MailChimp Vs MailerLite ~ Free Email Marketing Tools for Small Businesses!

mailchim vs mailerlite

In this post, we want to look at MailChimp Vs MailerLite. These are both excellent email marketing platforms for bloggers and small businesses. They both offer free accounts for starters but with some interesting differences.

I hope by the end of this short comparative post, you are going to be able to make an informed decision. If you are just starting blogging and working on a low budget, I recommend not spending unwisely on any email marketing platform. The reason is that these two (and many others) offer incredible free features to allow you grow your business.

-> Take a quick move to MailerLite here and MailChimp here

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Blog Engagement Report, April 2016 ~ 412 comments from 193 Authors!

blog commenting report

I haven’t used my blog engagement and traffic plugin for a couple of months now. It was just some negligence on my part.

If you don’t know about it, MyCommentAuthors is one of my plugins you can get for free. It’s simple but very powerful plugin for every WordPress blog where blog commenting is given an importance.

What it does is it allows you to generate a list of everyone that drops a comment on your blog for a chosen month. This list is generated in simple HTML format and what you do with it is create a blog post like this one to say Thank You to your commentators.

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This is Not The End and You can Accomplish Great Things!

ELi Seekins

It hurts. You’ve been working so hard. You’re tired. Will it even pay off? Is it even worth it?

I know it’s tough. I know you want to quit sometimes. But this is not the end. Don’t give up hope. All your hard work is going to pay off.

It just takes time.

Show up every day, and one day you’ll realize — you’ve reached your goal.

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