Guest blogging in 2013! Promote your articles here

guest blogging

As we round up activities for 2013 and look forward to a brighter new year in 2014, I want to look back and revisit the guest articles I submitted in 2013 and also give you an opportunity to promote yours. The reason is to give us more exposure to the kind of content I’m confident will add value to our blogging journey.

Did I succeed in Guest Blogging this year 2013?

My guest articles have done well, receiving a lot of visits and engagement from readers.  Though I submitted something below 10 guest posts this year, these are worth this recap. Let’s start with the article that’s my personal story!

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How I Increased My Productivity to 70%?

Yeah, 70% productivity doesn’t sound too promising, does it?

But, it’s not too bad (and it’s realistically possible). I will explain why my numbers are low later on 😉

For me, the main problem with productivity was quantifying it. How do I measure it? Am I productive if I get things done and spent a lot of time for entertainment? Or do I have to spend all of my working time on working?

Really, who likes the second part? (I know I don’t!)

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5 Proven Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging

Are you disgusted with your money making efforts? I have been there. A few years ago I made peanuts at Cash With A True Conscience. I saw little cash, fewer readers and spent day after day wondering if I were wasting my time or not.

Fast forward a few years. I am prospering through multiple channels because I worked on my inner world. This is the great secret missed by struggling bloggers; as within, so without, meaning that to make money blogging you need to commit to working on your mental tools.

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How to identify & tweak the most sexy blog post on your blog!

sexy blog posts

Most sexy? 😉

Yes I mean the most attractive blog post on your blog. That’s the article or blog post that has attracted the most traffic from the Internet to your blog (Traffic from referral and search engine sources).

I don’t mean which article is the most commented, tweeted or liked. These are not often the most popular or most useful on your blog. I want to show you which article attracts the most traffic to your blog, how to tweak it for more traffic and profit.

In this article on emFastIncome, I shared with you how to use Google Webmaster Tools to identify the keyword that pulls the most traffic to your blog. You may want to check the article out. 

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Alexa Traffic Rank 93k in 34 days for brand new blog – Here is how!

Alexa Traffic Rank

Alexa traffic rank is a measure of how a website is doing relative to all other sites on the web over the past 3 months. The rank is calculated using a combination of the estimated average daily unique visitors to the site and the estimated number of page views on the site. The site with the highest combination of unique visitors and pageviews is ranked #1

Following the definition above gotten from this source, we can clearly bring out 2 ranking factors:

  1. Daily unique visitors
  2. Daily page views

However, from my one-month experience with this brand new blog, given the blog’s Google Analytics stats (Page views and daily unique visits) and the Alexa traffic rank of 93k, I think there is more to it than just being about daily unique visitors and page views.

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How to add the HOME link to your WordPress Blog

How to add the HOME link

The HOME link is one of the most important links on the top menu of your blog. It’s the shortcut to your home page from any other page or post on your blog.

I have seen a couple of fairly popular blogs around without this link. It makes it a bit laborious for your visitors to bounce back to home page where they can have a global view of your blog.

The home page is one of the most visited pages of most websites so I think it’s a weakness to not link to it on the main menu.

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