Hidden Blog Commenting Trick For Huge Traffic & Networking!

blog commenting for traffic

NB: Do this little blog commenting trick I want to share here and stop complaining of traffic. You will see how this works for you and takes your blog to a big new level. It really works so… 

  1. Read this post carefully.
  2. Do what I to explain here.

We as bloggers know the importance of blog commenting. As a matter of fact, it has been the main tool that has grown my blog this far in less than 2 months.  With blog commenting, you can literally and quickly build a popular blog, breaking the barriers of traffic and networking – by networking, I meaning building relationships with like-minded bloggers. 

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Learn to use Twitter like a Pro REVIEW

use twitter like a pro

Twitter is the second most popular Social Media site after Facebook with a huge capacity to drive traffic and profit. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most misused and most spammed social media tool today. However, like the big guys, you can get through the noise and draw huge targeted traffic to your websites and blogs.

To be able to use Twitter like a pro, you need to go through a learning curve. The veritable problem is most of us think we know Twitter yet we are unable to get the benefits of using it. Stop wasting time and learn how it works from the experts… Learn to use Twitter like a pro

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My secret free blog traffic source revealed!

free blog traffic

For some weeks now, kingged.com has not stopped sending targeted referral traffic to my blog. When I checked my Google Analytic stats this morning, I was so excited with what I saw. So I decided to make this post to share with you exactly what I do on this exciting community platform.

Though I’m not the most active on kingged.com, I still strongly believe this site can send huge traffic to your blog.

There are many new bloggers asking questions every day about where and how to get free traffic to their blogs. I keep telling them if you are not doing well to get enough traffic from search engines, be very active on the blogosphere – joining communities, voting and commenting, etc.

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WARNING! Your blog at RISK Again! Did you know this?

Do you think your blog is secured? Wait until you read this.

I got a mail from one of my readers pointing this issue out on my blog. As a matter of fact, as a webmaster and php developer, it took me just negligence to not have gotten these leakages handled. With just a few clicks in your cPanels, these security flaws can be dealt with in a matter of minutes.

I tested over 5 blogs I read so often and non of them was safe. This is serious! How come almost everyone does not care about this yet we talk about safety here and there.

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How To Make Money With Google HelpOuts

make money with google helpout

The Internet giant, Google has come up with another new thing called HelpOuts to help experts in any field make money online. As a matter of fact, you can make money with Google Helpouts if you are an expert in something and you have some free time.

In November 2013, Google announced Helpouts—a new way to get and give help over live video. The goal is simple: help people help each other. Google wants to use the convenience and efficiency of the web to enable everyone, no matter where they are or what time it is, to easily connect with someone who can help.

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