5 Mind-Blowing Ways to Come Up With Blog Post Ideas That Generate Lots of Buzz

You logged into your WordPress dashboard and discovered your editorial calendar is empty.

You quickly checked your Evernote app and what did you see? Empty.

On second thought, you remembered you often store content ideas somewhere in Google docs, but to your total dismay, you still found it’s empty.

So what’s the next thing to do at this juncture?

Let me tell you, bloggers and content writers have to deal with lots of emptiness, this is a natural phenomenon; however, what matters most times is how you deal with it.

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How Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

Content marketing is here to stay.

Creating helpful content and sharing it across a wide range of platforms ain’t going out of style anytime soon. People crave help. People consume help across their online channel of choice.

If you run an online or offline entrepreneurial venture you are in the business of helping people.

One lesson I learned over my nearly decade long entrepreneurial career: gives folks the freemium and they buy the premium. This means that if you help people for free a healthy portion of these folks will buy your products or hire you, growing your business steadily.

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Getting by With a Little Help from Your Friends

The best tactics to optimize your social media presence and make more money

Social media marketing (SMM) is currently the big deal. By narrowing your advertising focus to people who would be more inclined to be interested and have the money to spend on your product (no matter what your product is), you can get a lot more bang for your advertising buck.

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5 Evergreen Ideas for Attracting More Website Visitors

The dream of every website and blog owner is to create high-quality content, generate massive traffic, and make sales.

We all know the role traffic plays in helping you get an interactive blog community and in earning with your site.

Needless to say that without traffic your blog is as good as living in an internet desert and in total obscurity. Even though your dream is not to earn money with your blog, you still need people to read whatever you’ve got to tell them, right?

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InvestFeed – The new Social Media for Traders is going crazy!

infestfeed feature

Investfeed is getting Cryptocurrency traders addicted! I’m not able to say I’m not part of those caught in the frenzy because it’s practically beginning to take more of my time online than Facebook and Twitter do.

A few days back, I was watching one of Suppoman’s crypto-rich videos on Youtube. In this video, he spoke on a couple of coins to buy for long term financial explosion and Infestfeed is one of these recommended cryptocurrencies.  Check out its growth here on Coinmarketcap.

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3 Ways You Are Leaving Social Media Traffic on the Table

After reading thousands of blogs during my 9 year blogging career I spot patterns.

Successful bloggers master the principle of leveraging.

If you look at Blogging From Paradise – my blog – for a minute you see I give readers plenty of opportunities to join my list and to comment on my blog posts.

Email list traffic is traffic on demand; perhaps the ultimate form of leveraging. Blog commentators add credibility and content to my blog, both leveraging traffic builders. Social media tools fall into this category as well, such as an Instagram growth service which can be easily utilized to drive more organic traffic and increase the number of followers.

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