ConvertKit vs SendPulse: Which is the Better Email Marketing Service for Bloggers?

Email marketing has long been dominated by a few select players who entered the industry in the late 90s. For a new player to make a mark and establish itself takes time, effort, and fortitude.

As such, it has taken SendPulse and ConvertKit considerable amount of work to reach a position where they can challenge big players such as AWeber, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and GetResponse.

ConvertKit is a powerful email marketing software that is often compared with premium inbound products such as Infusionsoft because of the advanced email automation functionalities it offers. Compared to other email marketing tools out there, ConvertKit does a few fundamental things such as list management and automation a little differently. It spices things up by giving advanced segmentation and automation options to users.

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WordPress Theme Builder Vs PageBuilders Vs Gutenberg Vs Classic

thrive theme builder vs page builder

WordPress is fast becoming the mighty engine for the creation of websites of any size . Developers are trying so hard to make it easy for everyone (including noobs) to create stunning designs with zero design and coding skills.

The WordPress Classic editor has been king for years. After all, it’s still massive enjoyed by many users who stick to simplicity and don’t have any attraction for drag & drop editors.

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2 Blogging Truths You Need to Hear

Anybody can become a successful blogger.

Few bloggers succeed because few bloggers face their deepest fears.

Take those 2 blogging truths to the bank.

Based on spending 15,000 hours of my life blogging over the past 10 years, I know anyone can succeed. No top pro is gifted unlike any blogger, lucky or blessed with talents no blogger possesses, save them. Any one can create content and build connections until going full time.

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Website Builders – To Use or Not To Use One

are website builders a good choice

If you’ve just started blogging, or if you want to begin a career as a blogger, there are a few key factors that you should consider.

The first, of course, is cost. Many people want to start their own blogs, and most of them have great ideas. However, they think that it’s expensive to get and run a great website. 

So, that puts them off. After all, who wants to spend hundreds of dollars on a venture that may or may not work?

It’s easy to fantasize about having a blog where you can share your thoughts. However, the optics aren’t great. Websites look expensive, and they seem like they take a lot of work. 

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How To Choose The Right PPC Company In Denver

PPc firms in denver

What started as an additional means of advertising has now turned into a primary one that no business can survive without.

If you haven’t figured it out, I am talking about the Internet. There are many potent online marketing tools that you can use to drive your company towards success and Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is one of those. If you are still unfamiliar with this technique, I suggest you learn more.

Running a company in Denver is a big success in itself, but if you don’t start using the wonders of the World Wide Web for its promotion, you will soon see that success turn into failure. Don’t let that happen to you and make sure that you are acquainted with all the little ways in which you can benefit from digital marketing.

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Is Email List Building Free Gift impacting your business negatively?

There money is still in your list and Email Marketing is still a powerful marketing instrument. I don’t see it going anywhere (except getting stronger) in the next decades.

People allover the world are still stuck to their email addresses. As a matter of fact, it’s the cheapest and efficient way to get directly to someone with an Internet access.

With smartphones and email apps, it becomes even quicker to get any information of any size to someone on the go. Gone are those days when folks needed to logon to their personal computers to access their message through some standalone or web-base email clients.

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