I was afraid to write my first eBook.
No lie.
126 eBooks ago I piddled in my self-publishing pants.
But before I became a self-publishing machine on Amazon I self-published an eBook on a platform not too well know.
I was afraid to write my first eBook.
No lie.
126 eBooks ago I piddled in my self-publishing pants.
But before I became a self-publishing machine on Amazon I self-published an eBook on a platform not too well know.
I felt terrified.
But also excited.
3 years ago in beautiful Fiji I was faced with a decision; either make some changes to my old blog and brand or trash everything and begin intelligently with my blog, brand and online business, from a place of energetic clarity.
Appearing to everywhere in your online business niche helps you become a known commodity in your area of expertise.
Increased website traffic and greater online profits flow to the entrepreneur who is in so many places at once that they become a familiar go to gal or guy in their niche.
Being all over is not an easy task but following a few powerful tips persistently can help you appear to be everywhere in your niche.
Movie trailer is a great way for you to market your movie. A good trailer allows your movie to quickly become viral on the social media site. A trailer will only last for 2-3 minutes so you want to make the best use of the time to show only the most exciting clips in the movie. You must arrange the sequence in such a way that your viewers will understand what the movie is about within the first 20 seconds of the trailer.
11:23 PM.
A late Wednesday night.
After a long work/play day I am writing this post.
I love writing. So I write. I also love circling the globe as a pro blogger.
I enjoy my freedom more than I fear doing uncomfortable things to succeed.
Building a thriving online business takes a full commitment to gobbling up opportunities like a Blogging Pac Man.
The internet has increasingly become indispensable in the face of rising business competition. Instrumentally, businesses that have embraced the platform as a medium of reaching out to clients have reported more sales when compared to those which are still stuck in the traditional ways of selling and marketing.