4 Lessons from Successful Bloggers

Successful bloggers leave you a proven blueprint to follow.

Study the pros to cut your learning curve by years.

It is that simple but your blogging journey becomes uncomfortable at times. Obstacles pop up. Traffic or profit droughts may dampen your spirit.

In moments like these you need to double down on modeling successful bloggers to resist the temptation to engage in failing blogging strategies.

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5 Tips to Cure Online Business Burnout

Online business burnout cripples even the most determined entrepreneur.

If you become exhausted, or sick, you can’t be at your business best.

Follow these tips to address and dissolve burnout so you can dive back into your venture feeling energized, refreshed and raring to go.

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5 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic by Helping Other Bloggers

Increase Your Blog Traffic


The 2 letter blogging curse word.

If you think only of yourself, you are doomed in the blogging world.

The most successful bloggers on earth generously give of their time and talents.

Bloggers like Zac Johnson regularly feature other successful bloggers via their blogs, through guest posts and on social media.

This big dawg blogging crowd knows one blog traffic secret: help other bloggers out and you will see a steady flow of traffic to your blog.

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How Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

Content marketing is here to stay.

Creating helpful content and sharing it across a wide range of platforms ain’t going out of style anytime soon. People crave help. People consume help across their online channel of choice.

If you run an online or offline entrepreneurial venture you are in the business of helping people.

One lesson I learned over my nearly decade long entrepreneurial career: gives folks the freemium and they buy the premium. This means that if you help people for free a healthy portion of these folks will buy your products or hire you, growing your business steadily.

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3 Ways You Are Leaving Social Media Traffic on the Table

After reading thousands of blogs during my 9 year blogging career I spot patterns.

Successful bloggers master the principle of leveraging.

If you look at Blogging From Paradise – my blog – for a minute you see I give readers plenty of opportunities to join my list and to comment on my blog posts.

Email list traffic is traffic on demand; perhaps the ultimate form of leveraging. Blog commentators add credibility and content to my blog, both leveraging traffic builders. Social media tools fall into this category as well, such as an Instagram growth service which can be easily utilized to drive more organic traffic and increase the number of followers.

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How to Deal with People Who Don’t Believe Blogging Is a Real Job

blogging is a real job

You may be dealing with a poop load of blogging resistance.

Because you don’t work a “real job” according to some people.

I know.

When new to blogging, family and friends asked me when I was going to land a real job. A job that paid the bills. A job that afforded me generous medical benefits.

Even today, some folks believe I am sitting on a computer all day long, dawdling around, passing the time doing something silly, or trivial.

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