Enstine recently published a fabulous guest post on my blog.
I suggest you read it here:
How I Build Backlinks to My Blog and Boost My SEO
Within the first few hundred words he did 2 things that promote *his* ever-expanding success: he suggested to buy my eBook and he suggested to buy my blogging course.
Wait a second; rewind. How does HE become more successful by referring business to me, another blogger? Enstine mastered the surefire way to succeed with blogging: shine the spotlight on other bloggers.
He is generous as can be. Knowing he is generous, and super helpful, I think of ways I can help him. One way is by writing and publishing a guest post for you, his fabulous readers. I could have written and published a guest post for an unlimited number of bloggers, virtually. People pitch me on the regular. Out of millions of blogs, I chose to write and place this guest post for Enstine because he has helped me generously for years.
Recommended: 6 ways to get your blog massively promoted by other bloggers!
Him writing the recent guest post was generous enough. Adding 2 links to my eBook and course? This is going above and beyond, so, naturally, he is one of the first guys I think about when it comes to promoting fellow bloggers or submitting guest posts.
Why Does this Strategy Work?
Bloggers regularly help nice, generous bloggers by:
- promoting them
- endorsing them
- hiring them
- buying their stuff
- helping them in as many ways as possible
After Enstine publishes this post I will:
- retweet it, tagging Enstine
- Share it on Facebook, tagging Enstine
- Share it on LinkedIn, tagging Enstine
all actions designed to boost his traffic, profits and to give him credit for running such a first class blog.
Imagine when you build such loving bonds with 5, 10 or 50 blogging buddies? Surefire blogging success. Imagine 100 blogging buddies retweeting your latest post today? Surefire blogging success.
Navin Rao and Rahul Kuntala both commented on a Facebook video of mine today. Each blogger is a dear friend, skilled entrepreneur and also commented on my video today. Why did I mention them? Why did they stand out? They did what friends do; they shined the spotlight on me. So I shine the spotlight on them. See how easily this simple technique works wonders in your blogging life?

Think of Ways to Shine the Spotlight
Here are a few spotlight shining tactics:
- retweet a blog post
- Facebook Share a blog post
- mention someone on your blog
- mention someone via your email newsletter
- mention someone via video
- mention someone via podcast
Expect nothing. Be generous. Shine the spotlight and get out of the way.
Blogging buddies find you, shine the spotlight on you, your friend network expands, and you will see exponential blogging growth long-term as buddies keep promoting you, hiring you and buying your stuff.
Keep promoting others. Keep being generous. Keep shining the spotlight on other bloggers. Maxwell Ivey shines the spotlight on me persistently and generously. Super example to follow.
Lone Wolves?
Blogging lone wolves who shine the spotlight on themselves 100% of the time fade away, struggle, fail and quit, being dominated by generous bloggers. I see blogging lone wolves often in Facebook Groups; these folks are always looking for other people to support them, TAKING, trying to shine the spotlight on themselves, looking for page views, comments and shares. These bloggers disappear into oblivion while generous bloggers rise higher in their niche.
Be kind!
Be generous.
Shine the spotlight on other bloggers.
This is the most simple way to build your network and to promote your blogging success.
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