Make money commenting on

make money commenting on blogs

It amazes me how new opportunities to make money online spring up every now and then. While you can make money creating blog posts or even participating in forums, here comes an opportunity to make money commenting.

If you are a blogger, you’ll agree with me that blog commenting is one of the most rewarding blogging activities today. However, monetary reward has never been part of the package. Well, before now, I had never come across a blog that pays me to leave a comment on it. is coming up with this and making a huge difference in the blogosphere.

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How to guest post on

guest posting

I have a couple of contacts asking about what it takes to guest post on So I’m writing this post just to give you a few points.

This blog is fast growing thus attracting attention from both bloggers and SEO firms. If you are a blogger, guest posting on this blog is free. All SEO firms and backlink seekers have to go through a $170 fee.

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Increase Your Facebook Engagement by 275% – Infographic

facebook engagement

Facebook is a huge platform but most of us find it very hard to have a comfortable level of engagement. While some post go viral, others just get buried instantly.

In this infographic, some important facts are exposed and I’m quite sure they will help you step up on the level of your Facebook engagement.

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How to use Facebook Post Boost for dead cheap targeted traffic

facebook post boost

Traffic is one of the most sought things online these days. Well, this is also true for offline businesses. Every brick-and-mortar business strives to have as many visits as possible from far and near locations.

Without this traffic (people visiting your website or physical business location), business is dead.  Traffic can thus be considered as the lifeline of any business.

It’s needless to mention at this point that without targeted traffic to your blog, you are as good as not having one or not being a blogger.

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4 Ways To Fake And Succeed Online!

fake proof

It amazes me how people get fooled online these days. Many Internet users, especially those in the make money niche are willing to go extra miles to make money. The very sad thing is that bloggers who actually are supposed to be the most genuine and authentic Internet users are now champions in fake activities.

I want you to understand one thing – Forging or counterfeiting your way will only lead to a miserable end. You may have some instant or immediate success but the hidden truth is that the long term results will be disastrous. 

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How I made $29,000 in my first year online!

Can someone tell me why it seems our days are no longer 24 hours? Things are going so fast. Do we still really have 24 hours per day?

Wasn’t it just the other day we were talking about New Year, January 2018? I woke up this morning and found out the year is ending. The year has gone so fast. My jaws dropped! I’m also growing old…

By the way, here is how to be a successful blogger in 2019

I took off some few minutes to think about the past and ask myself a few questions:

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