How to create a Food Blog that makes money with Food Blogger Pro

creating a food blog to make money

Food Blogger Pro  – Create a food blog that generates income online!

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In the past few weeks, I have met with a couple of people who desire to start a food blog and make money out of it.

Each time someone talks to me about blogging and showing readers how to cook, or how to decorate cakes, I think of my friends at PinchOfYum.

The simple reason is that these food bloggers have succeeded in creating an awesome food blog that generates thousands of dollars every month.

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10 Time Management Tips That Will Boost Your Career

time management tips

The more disciplined you are at managing your time, the more of the professional goals you can achieve. And don’t we all want to be more productive?

Unfortunately, the theory of time management is simple, but putting it into practice is not easy. It can make or break your professional life. More precisely, it is the recipe for success in your professional life. Luckily, there are ways to improve and master time management skills. Here are a few time management tips that will boost your career.

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10 Tips to help you choose the right domain name ~ Part 2

In Part I of this series on how to create a blog that generates incomes, we saw actionable tips on how to choose a topic to blog on. You may want to check that out so you don’t get confused where we are going. Be sure to join my list so you don’t miss a thing.

In this Part 2, I thought it’s important I share some guides on how to choose a good domain name for your blog.

Your domain name is your online identity. Its the way to your online presence. Without the domain name, it will be difficult to locate you online so choosing the right domain is crucial.

– > Before we continue …

Do you want a brand-able domain name – Your name, company name or unique word, or you want a keyword based domain name like or

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10 Web Hosting Security Best Practices to Follow in 2020

Threats follow trends and thanks to the digital explosion that has spread the world over, hosting a website today has gotten increasingly dangerous.

This is even worse considering that most people who own websites try to monetize them, meaning there is the potential for significant impact.

Even as Google last year warned of an enhanced focus on mobile readiness for websites, 2018 also saw mobile malware attacks doubling. While this specifically may be only loosely related, the general trend of cybersecurity threats following the crowd can be seen.

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How do I make money on twitter in 2020? [Follow these methods]

how do I make money on Twitter

One of my readers contacted me and asked Enstine how do I make money on twitter? It is not an embarrassing question because Twitter is growing and getting many more new users every day.

I understand people allover the world are looking for new ways to make money. With COVID-19 obliging everyone to stay at home, the search for new income sources on the Internet is on the rise.

There are several ways to  make money online. If you have a Twitter account, I will show you in this post some simple steps to take to start monetizing your tweets.

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How to Handle a Bad Review online!


A few moments ago, I scanned an audio book review. Simply peep the featured image for this post.

An individual going by the handle of “pat” posted a 1 star review. I immediately realized that:

  • pat is unhappy
  • pat being unhappy guarantees that he feels bad
  • when you feel bad, you cannot see the truth
  • when you feel bad, you complain
  • when you feel bad, you leave a bad review because in your mind, even though the author or eBook or audio book triggers YOUR fear and pain, your ego blames the author or the eBook or audio book, for the fear, versus owning your fear and pain

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