What Was My Scariest But Most Freeing Blogging Lesson?

I learned many blogging lessons during my 10 year career.

Over 15,000 blogging hours, a few gems danced around in my blogging dome. But one scary, freeing lesson sits in the front of my mind. What was it?

Successful bloggers work for free for many years before money becomes consistent.

I feared working for free, for a long time. I thought like an employee: work for a set time and get paid for completing work in a set time. I had maintained this employee agreement for years as an inside sales rep, client enrollment rep, database analyst and security guard. Work. Get paid a salary.

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2 Blogging Truths You Need to Hear

Anybody can become a successful blogger.

Few bloggers succeed because few bloggers face their deepest fears.

Take those 2 blogging truths to the bank.

Based on spending 15,000 hours of my life blogging over the past 10 years, I know anyone can succeed. No top pro is gifted unlike any blogger, lucky or blessed with talents no blogger possesses, save them. Any one can create content and build connections until going full time.

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Blogging Profits: Study Wealthy People Even if You Have Little Money Right Now

blogging profit

Poverty begins in mind.

Do you have little money right now? Having little money indicates your mindset, your emotions and your actions manifested this little amount of money.

Do you make virtually no money blogging? Look within. Face, feel and release money fears. I know this feels scary because I had to do it myself. I grew up in New Jersey in the USA. For most of the world, I grew up rich.

But in New Jersey, I likely lived a middle class standard. But most kids I went to school with grew up in wealthy families. Some of their parents ran million dollar businesses. I felt poor compared to them and developed limiting, poverty conscious money beliefs dripping in shame, fear, embarrassment and envy. Guess what? I blogged like a poor person for many years. Struggled horribly.

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4 ways to write blog posts that make money for life!

If you want to #makemoneyblogging, you must be able to create articles that make money. Some articles can make you money forever. These are 4 ideas to create articles that make money day in day out, for a long period of time

Being able to write blog posts that make money consistently is a strong point in transforming your blog into a money generating machine.

Many bloggers depend on direct advertising, sponsored posts, Adsense, etc, but in this post, I want to reveal the secret of the pros that can transform your blog into heavy money machine gun.

There is no exaggeration in the statement I just made above. I have studied income reports of some successful money making bloggers like Pat Flynn and Matthew Woodward and there is powerful money making post types these guys create that constantly generate huge amounts for them even while they are away.

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How to create a Food Blog that makes money with Food Blogger Pro

creating a food blog to make money

Food Blogger Pro  – Create a food blog that generates income online!

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In the past few weeks, I have met with a couple of people who desire to start a food blog and make money out of it.

Each time someone talks to me about blogging and showing readers how to cook, or how to decorate cakes, I think of my friends at PinchOfYum.

The simple reason is that these food bloggers have succeeded in creating an awesome food blog that generates thousands of dollars every month.

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10 Tips to help you choose the right domain name ~ Part 2

In Part I of this series on how to create a blog that generates incomes, we saw actionable tips on how to choose a topic to blog on. You may want to check that out so you don’t get confused where we are going. Be sure to join my list so you don’t miss a thing.

In this Part 2, I thought it’s important I share some guides on how to choose a good domain name for your blog.

Your domain name is your online identity. Its the way to your online presence. Without the domain name, it will be difficult to locate you online so choosing the right domain is crucial.

– > Before we continue …

Do you want a brand-able domain name – Your name, company name or unique word, or you want a keyword based domain name like bestwordpressthemes.com or seoconsultant.com?

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