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The Most Important Parts Of Your Blog Post (The Secret Sauce)

The Most Important Parts Of Your Blog Post (The Secret Sauce)

Getting more blog subscribers can be a pain in the butt. Wouldn’t you agree?

How many people do you think are actually reading your entire blog posts?

In order to become a successful blogger, you must know how to create the best content for your target audience and learn how to turn them into loyal subscribers and eventually customers.

You can’t just write up a new blog post and hit publish without following a proven plan for better content conversion.

It would really suck to spend hours writing a new valuable blog post for your niche audience only to find out it is not converting well and people are not reading the whole article and click away a few seconds after landing on it.

You need to know what makes your target audience click and engage.

Don’t create content just for the sake of it.

Today, I’m going to share with you the secret sauce to make your new reader become super interested in reading your entire blog post and possibly become a loyal subscriber.

The way you structure your blog post should be smart.

There is a lot of human psychology and human behavior that goes into online marketing and blogging.

Blogging can now be a real business that makes you good money. You can build an income with your blog.

You can build a passive income with a niche blog.

That’s no longer a myth.

But, you need to build your blog the right way in order to accomplish that.

The keys to building a profitable blog are in the way you build your blog’s design, the way you write content, and the way you structure everything.

In my previous guest post (here on this blog) I talked about the three most important keys to successful blogging – I highly recommend you to read it.

Everything has to come together nicely in order for your blog to take off.

It is important that you invest in your education on the topics of blogging and internet marketing.

I would also suggest investing in your education about human psychology and behavior online.

Anybody can build a blog and start blogging but not everyone will be able to actually build an online income doing it.

One important part of this entire blogging for profits process is the copywriting for high conversions.

There is no point in having a beautiful blog design if your content is not converting as many new readers into subscribers.

Conversion Rate

Most of your new visitors will land on a blog post.

So, knowing this little fact, you should work on the way you structure your blog post and learn the tactics to make your new visitor read your entire blog post and end up subscribing for more.

It’s obvious that your ultimate goal with your blog is not only to help the reader but also turn them into a customer (eventually).

This is what we call Conversion. It is the action of turning a visitor into a subscriber and customer.

Standing out on the SERPs is as important as ever. Google throughout 2020 continued to push with more voice search and presenting more info on the SERPS.
There’s no better way currently than FAQ schema to stand out in the results, check out this free plugin for more info.

A study shows that on average a person needs to see an offer about seven times before they make the decision to buy.

This is why email marketing is very important.

I would recommend you to start building your email list from the get-go.

Something that helps a lot with email marketing is building an enticing lead magnet along with great content on your blog.

When you show your new visitor how much value you are sharing with your blog posts and you offer them a relevant lead magnet – they will be happy to opt-in and subscribe to get your blog updates and get the freebie.

: I recommend you checkout Sue’s post on the best ways to use freebies

One smart tactic to build your blog’s subscribers fast is to tell your visitor to subscribe to blog updates and also tell them they will receive a gift for doing so.

A lot of bloggers do this because it really works.

Test this out by implementing this on your blog. Don’t forget to track everything so you can learn how it performs with your target audience.

Now, you have an inviting offer for your new visitor to subscribe to your blog, the next step is to work on delivering as much value to them with your content.

If you want someone to get very interested in reading your entire blog post and actually like what you are sharing and ultimately subscribe – you need to structure your blog posts in a specific way.

The success of your blog will depend mostly on how much value you share with your niche audience and how you share it.

The Secret Sauce

You have less than 5 seconds to make a new visitor read your entire blog post – otherwise, they will click the back button on their browser.

If you want to build a profitable blog in any niche you must learn how you can make someone stay on your blog post, engage, and subscribe.

You can also improve your Google rankings by making people interested in reading your entire blog post and taking some sort of action.

There is something called Bounce Rate and Dwell Time. And these two metrics are important for better Google rankings because of Google RankBrain.

I’ll give you a quick explanation of this; if someone happens to find your blog post in a Google search and then click on the link to go to it but they don’t like your content and immediately go back to the search results, it will tell Google that your content is not very valuable to that searcher – and Google will drop your rankings causing you to not get much or any free organic traffic.

Makes sense?

Here is what can help with that.

Human psychology and behavior can help you benefit from each new visitor as much as possible. Once your visitors are actually staying on your page and reading your entire content your Google rankings can also improve.

This is why I’ve said that everything has to come together nicely in order for your blog to take off.

Human Psychology And Behavior

I love studying this topic because it is an important part of marketing, in general.

I would say that this is the “secret sauce” (human psychology and behavior) to help you build a profitable blog in any niche.

Learning what makes people click and what triggers their actions online is one of the most important parts of internet marketing.

Here is the thing; your blog is the venue for people in your niche to find you, and internet marketing is the strategy to turn these people into customers.

You get what I’m saying?

A successful blogger is not just a blogger – a successful blogger is also a successful internet marketer.

I’m going to share with you the most important parts of your blog post so you can start structuring them in a smart way that will help get people more engaged with your content.

The Most Important Parts Of Your Blog Post

You have a few seconds to make someone either stay on your blog post page or leave to keep searching for what they are looking for.

So, the first few sentences in your blog posts are super duper important!

The Intro (your hook)

You have to convince your new visitor to keep reading right out of the gate.

Your first few sentences are one of the most important parts of your blog post.

These first few sentences are what will determine whether a new visitor keeps reading or leaves right away.

You need to learn what would make someone want to keep reading your content.

Learn what type of words and what type of copywriting can help your content become very interesting in just a few sentences.

You must have what we call “content hooks”.

How can you come up with content hooks?

Well, you need to learn more about the people in your niche. Their pain with specific problems.

You need to provide them with the best solutions to their problems.

Here is what you need to do:

First, start with a statement your new reader can agree with (talk about the pain).

Secondly, you want to transition to what the blog post is going to cover (the solution).

Thirdly, you want to address the problem (pain) in more details and hook your new reader to keep reading.

Lastly, you want to speak directly to the new reader. Write in the second person – which means you want to use “You” in your content, as in “you are experiencing this problem and I will help you find the solution”.

The Title (the gate to your intro)

A great intro to your blog post goes along with an enticing title.

The title of your blog post is what will make people click to find out what your blog post can provide them with.

Your intro is the hook to make them want to keep reading once they’ve landed on your blog post page.

There are certain types of titles that are proven to work well to make people click and to learn more.

Here is helpful data that was gathered by Buzzsumo about headlines.

Study by Buzzsumo

You have to get very creative with your blog post titles. You also need to keep track of all of your blog posts in order to learn what is working best to trigger your target audience to click and want to learn more.

It’s important that you use the Google Analytics tool and Google Webmasters tool to keep track, learn your content’s performance, and tweak to improve.

Once you have someone hooked to keep reading you need to go ahead and share the value you want your reader to take away from your blog post in the best way possible.

The last part would be your outro.

The Outro (call to action)

You need to tell your new reader what you want them to do after reading your entire blog post.

Tell them to share your content with others who might need the help and also tell them to either click on something or subscriber to your blog.

Whatever your ultimate goal is with your content you have to tell the reader and be really clear at the end of the blog post.

Don’t be afraid to ask for something – you are spending time creating valuable content for your niche audience for a reason. You want to sell your solutions to their problems and make a living doing so.

Take great care of each one of these parts of your blog post and learn more as you go to improve and grow your blog’s audience and subscriber’s list.

Wrapping it up

Driving traffic to your blog is great and it is important, but it isn’t enough to make a living blogging.

You need to study the art of blogging for profits. It is a must that you get the right courses and even hires a coach/mentor to give you the best education possible and cut the big learning curve.

There is a lot to learn to become a successful blogger. What I’m sharing with you today is just one part of the entire process. There is also email marketing tactics, SEO, copywriting, and so on.

Become a smart blogger by making smart choices.

Start implementing what you’ve learned today and keep on moving forward in the right direction.

I’d love to hear from you!

Are you using content hooks in your blog posts? Any more helpful tips you would like to add?

If you have any questions or thoughts on this topic please leave them in a comment below.

A tiny request for support; if you know someone who could benefit from this information please share it with them. Help me spread the love. Thank you so much!

Don’t forget to follow this blog to get more helpful blogging tips.

Until next time.


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