Hi everyone, this is the second week after BroadedNet first phase was made public. So far, it’s interesting how this network is ground.
I have not done any major promotionsĀ because my blogging friends of Blogger and other platforms are yet to be covered. The guy I hired to do a widget that should run on blogger and other CMS, including html files has not succeeded. We have tested his works on Blogger and it failed. It however works on flat html or php files.
I have not blogged on blogger before and absolutely have no idea how creating a widget on this platform goes. I don’t want to mess around with it either. That’s why I prefer to get someone with more experience in that field involved. So if you are good at that, please contact me.
If you are reading this post and don’t know what broadedNet is, please read this post. Briefly, it’s a network of bloggers generating traffic to each others blog posts. At the time of writing this post, the widget has been installed on over 150 wordpress blogs and the daily traffic generated is increase by the minute. It’s a free platform so be sure to join here.