4 Lessons from Successful Bloggers

Successful bloggers leave you a proven blueprint to follow.

Study the pros to cut your learning curve by years.

It is that simple but your blogging journey becomes uncomfortable at times. Obstacles pop up. Traffic or profit droughts may dampen your spirit.

In moments like these you need to double down on modeling successful bloggers to resist the temptation to engage in failing blogging strategies.

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If content is KING, where is the KINGDOM? A must-read post!

content is king

The whole idea of blogging and content marketing is like a kingdom and we know the 3 main components of a complete kingdom:

  1. The KING,
  2. The KINGDOM
  3. The RULED or the subjects.

That’s exactly what blogging is. If any of these lacks or has a deficiency, the whole kingdom is sick.

If content is King, where therefore is the kingdom? What about the ruled? In content marketing, we have laid so much emphasis on the content being the king. There can never be in king without a kingdom and the ruled. Let’s look at these parties differently and see how they relate to blogging. 

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5 Tips to Cure Online Business Burnout

Online business burnout cripples even the most determined entrepreneur.

If you become exhausted, or sick, you can’t be at your business best.

Follow these tips to address and dissolve burnout so you can dive back into your venture feeling energized, refreshed and raring to go.

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5 Alarming Website Statistics You Need to Work on Now

5 Alarming Website Statistics You Need to Work on Now

Websites statistics give us a concrete picture of how we are doing as a brand and as a business.

Businesses have turned to the power of the web to attract audiences, convert new customers, and increase loyalty in their current market. And web statistics have given marketers essential insights on creating strategies that increase conversion rates.

But did you know that 63% of companies state that generating traffic and leads are their top marketing challenge? And 26% of these businesses also consider managing their websites to be a problem.

Because of this, we give you five alarming website statistics you need to take note of, and tips on how to improve your website management today.

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5 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic by Helping Other Bloggers

Increase Your Blog Traffic


The 2 letter blogging curse word.

If you think only of yourself, you are doomed in the blogging world.

The most successful bloggers on earth generously give of their time and talents.

Bloggers like Zac Johnson regularly feature other successful bloggers via their blogs, through guest posts and on social media.

This big dawg blogging crowd knows one blog traffic secret: help other bloggers out and you will see a steady flow of traffic to your blog.

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5 Mind-Blowing Ways to Come Up With Blog Post Ideas That Generate Lots of Buzz

You logged into your WordPress dashboard and discovered your editorial calendar is empty.

You quickly checked your Evernote app and what did you see? Empty.

On second thought, you remembered you often store content ideas somewhere in Google docs, but to your total dismay, you still found it’s empty.

So what’s the next thing to do at this juncture?

Let me tell you, bloggers and content writers have to deal with lots of emptiness, this is a natural phenomenon; however, what matters most times is how you deal with it.

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