Is Comment Form Above Comments Better? Please Add Your Voice!

This is some crazy question but I think it’s worth an argument!

Presently, where is the comment form on your blog?

Is it below comments or above?

Recently, I pushed my form above comments and I’m just about doing some experiment – Which position is better?

But here is what I’m thinking…

Once I land on an old post with lost of comments, if the form is on top, I feel a push to drop my comment. I feel many other people are like me here 😉

The issue is that I often don’t go through the comment list to discover what others have dropped (in this case). But for some very interesting conversations, I find it very exciting reading through the comments.

If the comment form is below comments, scrolling to the bottom creates an opportunity to discover some awesome comments. If you have 50+ comments, it may also discourage a certain percentage of your readers.

I don’t know if you have personally conducted an experiment on this but I’d like to know from you what you think.

While I want to hear your opinion on the comment box, I have also added the Speakol widget below so you can vote and drop a comment as well. Let’s make this interesting ;

Let me also hear you out on the comment form

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