How to Find Your Niche and Start a Successful Blog

How to Find Your Niche and Start a Successful Blog

Who in our modern age hasn’t thought about starting a blog? Probably, most of us have thought of becoming bloggers at least once in a lifetime. Sometimes, we do have good reasons to actually go through with this idea. Why not? Blogging can be a full-time job that can satisfy you, provide you with enough money to support yourself, and do something creative.

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Never Ever Quit When Blogging Times Get Tough

I am writing this guest post in the middle of the night

I have been at this blogging bit for a decade. Goodness knows, I have experienced tough blogging times during my 15,000 hours online. Blogging gets tough. But you are tougher than blogging. Guaranteed.

Times are not super tough for me now. But I feel a little bit uncomfortable, for sure. My neck hurts. My back hurts. I keep blogging because blogging helps both me and you. We both win. All the sweet freedom sits just a little bit outside of my blogging comfort zone. I experienced this effect many times. Edging a tiny bit beyond what seems possible and feels comfortable opens me up to blessed experiences.

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How to Establish Authority and Start Attracting Clients as a Freelancer!

Ever wondered why other freelancers keep on getting high paying clients while you are still struggling?

Building a career as a freelancer, whether as a content writer, web designer, etc. is not an easy task (If it was, everyone would be a highly paid freelancer).

However, if you get it right, it can be a very rewarding career. According to Wikihow, freelancing also comes with its own share of freedom. You are free to work on your own schedule and no bosses to “boss” you around.

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