How to Streamline Your Blog for Increased Profits


My developer Phillip Dews just transferred my blog to a new host.

The speed test says it all.

Note; if you want lightning fast speeds, pay up to play up.

Streamlining your blog to big time proportions (think “lightning”) is virtually impossible on 2 dollar a month hosting solutions.

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The Most Excruciating But Freeing Blogging Lesson

I worked really hard for years.

But I had little to show for my work.

Blogging was my life in many ways. But it wasn’t, too.

I spent years blogging but struggled horribly because I never learned how to blog effectively.

Even worse? I injected fear-based energy into most if not all of what I did online, operating from scarcity.

As you may reckon, working from scarcity yielded terrible results. No way to outfox your fears.

I eventually learned the most excruciating but freeing blogging lesson: blogging is an energy game.

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