FAQ Pages- Boost Your SEO by Answering Questions!

faq pages and SEO

FAQ pages.

A treasure trove waiting to be found and spent on your affiliate website’s, suddenly bright future. Or waiting to be forever missed to the endless despair of the webmaster.

Ok. I exaggerated. Quite a bit.

But FAQ pages truly can be a boon for your online business and in this guide, you will learn exactly why.

Plus you will learn how to get nifty FAQ pages for your site, for free. Whether you are looking for tips on SEO for newbies or you are looking for Onpage SEO guide for bloggers, this will be of great help

Let’s go!

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3 ways to Filter out Internal Traffic from Google Analytics (and Why You Should)

Google Analytics is one boon of a tool for us internet marketers.

It helps us:

And it helps us keep track of what truly matters for every online business:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • ROI (return on investment)
  • ROT (Return on Time)

With so much reliance on it, it is crucial that the data it gives is correct! (You agree?)

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How to increase search engine traffic without backlinks!

Search engines feature

Search engines are important source of consistent targeted traffic. In general terms, the more traffic you get from Google and other search engines, the more you hit your target. However, getting this natural traffic is one of the most difficult tasks online.

We know that to increase search engine traffic, backlinks (inbound links) are almost an inevitable requirement.  Backlinks (natural dofollow inbound links) are an endorsement or a positive vote in favor of the linked page.

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How to increase blog traffic with Schema markup


Hi everyone I’m happy to bring to you a wonderful guy from India. Karmakar has a lot to tell us about SEO. He is someone to listing to. He is the author of SEO Beginner 2 Pro, a 547 Page ebook on everything you need to know about Search Engine Optimization and Social Media. This book has contributions from some top expert in the industry. While I recommend you check out this power packed seo ebook, let’s read on to discover what Karmakar has to say on how to increase blog traffic with Schema markup

I am quite sure that if you are a blogger then you must be familiar with the word HTML tags.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language which is the basic unit of websites. The web pages and other information appearing in the browsers are basically written in HTML.

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