15 Fabulous Ways to Make the Most Out of Twitter for Your Business

make the most out of twitter

Make the Most Out of Twitter for Your Business or Blog

I met Tom the other day and he mentioned that he didn’t get Twitter. Tom is not unusual. So many people I come across in person do not understand how to use Twitter for their blog or business.

They either signed up and never spent time on the network or they just never ventured away fro[click_to_tweet tweet=”Tom was interested to keep up with news on Twitter but didn’t know how he could expand his small online business using Twitter. #Twitter @Lisapatb” quote=”Tom was interested to keep up with news on Twitter but didn’t know how he could expand his small online business using Twitter. #Twitter” theme=”style2″]m Facebook.

Tom was interested to keep up with news on Twitter but didn’t know how he could expand his small online business using Twitter.

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How to get Quality Blog Traffic From Twitter with ZERO Followers!

quality traffic twitter

In today’s post, we are about to see how to effectively get quality traffic from Twitter to your blog posts even if you have ZERO followers.

Naturally, the more followers you have on Twitter, the more traffic. If this is true, then it’s common sense to think that zero followers means zero traffic. But what’s the unexplained trick behind having more traffic with zero followers?

Well, it’s not about using tools like JustRetweet, EasyRetweet, etc (which of course are great tools) The issue though with such tools is people tweet or retweet your text for the sake of the reward attached to it.

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How do you make money on twitter ?

make money seoclerks

One of my loyal subscribers sent a mail to me with the exact subject line “How do you make money on twitter ?” I got back to him in my reply and said I was not going to give him a single line of answer and promised I was going to create this post in an attempt to answer the question in more details.

I know like him, there are many online wondering what the hell is the method to make money on Twitter. Twitter like Facebook and some other Social Media platforms can be monetized but you have to apply caution. Any uncontrolled attempt to generate income on Twitter can lead you down the stairs.

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