One of my loyal subscribers sent a mail to me with the exact subject line “How do you make money on twitter ?” I got back to him in my reply and said I was not going to give him a single line of answer and promised I was going to create this post in an attempt to answer the question in more details.
I know like him, there are many online wondering what the hell is the method to make money on Twitter. Twitter like Facebook and some other Social Media platforms can be monetized but you have to apply caution. Any uncontrolled attempt to generate income on Twitter can lead you down the stairs.
Twitter can only be used as a market place and the key lies in the number of followers you get. Don’t be fooled though. Your followers have to be natural and targeted.
Having natural followers is tantamount to having real customers on a local market site. That’s just it. The more customers you have, the more you can sell from your store. So how much money you make on Twitter depends first on the number and quality of followers you have and secondly, your monetizing models. Back to question!
How do you make money on twitter ?
Build your marketplace first! Your followers constitute your marketplace. You have to get as many followers as possible and this must be natural.

– > Tips to grow naturally
1 – Get a real Twitter account. Use proper description and a reachable URL. I recommend uploading a real picture and to an extent, you may want to customize your profile background image.
2 – Tweet reasonably. Don’t tweet like a bot. Tweeting below 10 times a day looks reasonable. Don’t spam your timeline with promotional tweets. Don’t tweet everything you come across. Tweet relevant and targeted materials.
3 – Send out tweets/posts encouraging people to follow you. This is under-looked but I think it’s a useful method. Encourage friends and readers to follow you for updates and useful information.
4 – Do you have a blog ? If you do have a blog, it’s a result driven method to let your readers know about your Twitter account. Make it easy to find you by link to it from your blog.
There are a couple of other ways you can naturally grow your Twitter base.
– > Real Followers or Bots ?
Let me share some of the things you may not want to do. Some of these may help you get followers but watch out – are they real followers or bots?
1 – Don’t buy followers. I really advice against buying followers. Most of these followers are fake. Thy are simply going to swell your follower base with no value added to it.
2 – Bribing people to follow. If you offer some sort of incentives for people to follow you, they may end up not paying attention to your tweets or just unfollow you. If they followed to download a thing or to earn some sort of credits or points, there is no guarantee they will be loyal. What do you think about this? Are you on Twiends, JustRetweet or EasyRetweet? These systems offer incentives to follow. You may call this ‘grey-hat’ following.
The same principle applies to contests or sweepstakes where participants follow an account to enter. Some may immediately leave after the even is over.
Monetizing your Twitter accounts
I have figured out 2 main ways to monetize your Twitter accounts. The success and how much money is made depends highly on the number of followers and whether or not these are real people. Let’s quickly look at these Twitter monetizing methods:
1 – Posting promotional Tweets
These are tweets to promote a product. You can send tweets to your timeline to promote both owned and affiliate products. I recommend you;
- Use #harshtags reasonably on keywords.
- Don’t promote affiliate products that are irrelevant.
- Don’t spam with affiliate links.
- Post promotional Tweets less.
- Don’t sound like a bot.
2 – Paid To Tweet
This is another way to make quick cash on Twitter. You get paid by advertisers to post their messages to your Twitter account. The more your followers, the more advertisers you attract. But the question that comes up here is where to get advertisers.
– > Where to get paid tweet clients
There are a couple of platforms you can join for free to list your Twitter account and make money. Some of these platforms expose your account to advertisers who pay a whole sum per tweet. Others pay per click your account generates.
1 – MyLikes
This is one of the platforms to get paid per click. If you have real followers, the fact is that you get clicks on links in your tweets. Tweeting targeted content to your account with a considerable number of natural followers will generate a reasonable amount of income. Create a free account on Mylikes here. On this platform, there are always hundreds of paid tweets in different categories. Choosing the posts most appropriate for your audience maximizes your revenue.
The more money you make on MyLikes, you make even more money. They run a daily contest where the user who earns the most in a day gets a $100 bonus for being the top earner. At the moment of writing this post, the top earner on the leader board has made $29.98 already. If the contest was to be concluded at this level, this user will be banking $129.98 today. Is that handsome per day?
2 – SponsoredTweets
This is another interesting platform to make money on twitter. On this platform, you don’t get post to choose from. You just have to wait for advertisers to contact you with offers which you may reject or accept. Meet web celebs like JohnChow, Chris Pirillo, Jeremy Schoemaker, Arleen Anderson, etc
Sponsored Post also has an affiliate program where you get paid on what they earn from your referrals. Get a free account here
– > Sell your Tweets on Micro jobs platform
There are many of these micro job platforms today where you can sell your products and services and make profits. While Fiverr and some Fiverr-like sites are excellent, SEOClerks stands to be a more serious an organized micro job site
SEOClerks has a more organized setup to sell your tweets. Simply list your account and you soon get members buying your tweets. Join SEOClerks for free here
This platform also has an affiliate program where they pay you a fraction of what they earn from your referrals.
There are a couple of other platforms out there. You may go ahead and start with these I recommend. You are sure to make money and get your earnings paid. However, you have to read their terms so you don’t get on their toes and have your account banned and income withheld.
Over to you …
Are you making money on Twitter? Are there other platforms you can recommend? Please share your thoughts and leave a comment in the comment box.
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