15 Fabulous Ways to Make the Most Out of Twitter for Your Business

make the most out of twitter

Make the Most Out of Twitter for Your Business or Blog

I met Tom the other day and he mentioned that he didn’t get Twitter. Tom is not unusual. So many people I come across in person do not understand how to use Twitter for their blog or business.

They either signed up and never spent time on the network or they just never ventured away fro[click_to_tweet tweet=”Tom was interested to keep up with news on Twitter but didn’t know how he could expand his small online business using Twitter. #Twitter @Lisapatb” quote=”Tom was interested to keep up with news on Twitter but didn’t know how he could expand his small online business using Twitter. #Twitter” theme=”style2″]m Facebook.

Tom was interested to keep up with news on Twitter but didn’t know how he could expand his small online business using Twitter.

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