Hidden Blog Commenting Trick For Huge Traffic & Networking!

NB: Do this little blog commenting trick I want to share here and stop complaining of traffic. You will see how this works for you and takes your blog to a big new level. It really works so… 

  1. Read this post carefully.
  2. Do what I to explain here.

We as bloggers know the importance of blog commenting. As a matter of fact, it has been the main tool that has grown my blog this far in less than 2 months.  With blog commenting, you can literally and quickly build a popular blog, breaking the barriers of traffic and networking – by networking, I meaning building relationships with like-minded bloggers. 

For my one year and a few months of blogging (I started blogging in August 2012), I have realized that bloggers love comments from real people. Apart from sharing their articles on social media, leaving comments on their blogs is always a source of motivation and some excitement.blog commenting for traffic

Do you really want to own a very popular blog?

Everyone wants to be owner of popular blog right? I have written this article on how to build a very popular blog in 90 days. You need to check it out

How to build a very popular blog in 90 days

We have generally read around how to leave engaging comments on blog posts. Bloggers have learned to grow from the usually decried short ‘great post’ type of comment to more comprehensive and detailed blog comments. As a matter of fact, some commentators like Harleena, Efoghor Joseph Ezie and Kingsley (and a few others) will challenge your article by leaving comments sometimes 2 times longer than the post. This of course is what we want to see. This not only adds value to the post but also increases the time spent on site. We know how positive this is for marketing.

However, there is something I have been doing (not aggressively though) that has added more value to my blogging career in terms of traffic and hooking up with others. This is what I want to propose to you in this post.  I have noticed a few bloggers do this same thing on my blog and without knowing, I became real fan of theirs.

Is your blog attracting comments?

Before I share with you this little trick, I got just recently an interesting proposal from a Clickbank vendor who found the number of comments and engagement on my blog so exciting. Despite the blog being very new, he thinks that it will be a good deal for him to do business with me.  The question is – what do I do to have close to 2000 valuable comments on a blog that’s just about 2 months old?

The truth is blogs with CommentLuv attract a lot of visits and comments. Sometimes you may think those comments have no commercial value but from my experience, they are worth money.

Now if you want the real benefits of blog commenting, I encourage you invest in the premium edition of commentluv for a couple of reasons:

  • Encourage commenting on your blog (a big social proof factor)
  • Pull traffic to your blog through search engines (people search a lot for commentluv enabled blogs on Google)
  • Pull traffic from commentluv blogs directories and posts all over the net
  • Reward your commentators thereby encouraging them to comment
  • Encourage repeat visits through the ReplyMe module inbuilt
  • Deal will spam comments through GASP premium
  • Etc

2 other things I’m not sure you know about commentLuv Premium

1 – >Favorite Posts

While this is one of the most underused feature of CommentLuv Premium, it is an inbuilt capacity to pull huge attention to some of your favorite posts or pages.blog commenting

Simply set a page/post as favorite and commentluv will add it to your 10 most recent posts being available in the drop down list when you comment on CommentLuv enabled sites. Now in the image below, my 3 posts illustrated above are appended to the list. This will keep being so for as long as these posts remain in the list

blog commenting

2 – > First Comment Redirect

What happens if someone comes to your blog and leaves his/her first comment? I  have found myself really lost on some blogs. After hitting the submit button on the comment form for the first time, the page turns and raps back to no where. It’s embarrassing!

You should be able to take that new visitor who has made his first engagement on your blog to a special page. That’s what I think

blog first comment

I know of plugins dedicated to this but why junk up plugins when just 1 can do more than enough? With CommentLuv Premium, you can simply indicate the page/post to redirect your first time commentator to. Now use your brain to craft content for that page. Check out CommentLuv Premium here

Blog Commenting – > Traffic & Engagement trick

This is really no big secret though 😉 It’s only a secret because very few people are using it.

The only reason some people comment on blogs is to drop that link. That’s the wrong approach to blog commenting. If you change your mindset and start seeing it from the networking aspect, you’ll be building a golden package for yourself in the feature.

So how do you make blog commenting to work for you (pull traffic and build a network) ?

Here are the 2 things you normally should be doing :

  1. Read the article thoroughly
  2. leave reasonable comments

Take it to the next level …the trick

Reading articles and dropping quite impressive comments have proven to work but a little more effort can add more value to it.  Here are 2 things you should be doing that will confidently position you as a blogger to deal with:

  1. Reply to blog owner’s reply to your comment: That’s it! When you drop a comment on a blog, naturally, the blog owner will reply to your comment. Go back and reply to his reply.
  2. Reply to visitor’s comments: This is by far a proven way to attract attention. You have read the blog post and have a clear knowledge of the matter discussed. It’s time to engage with other readers that have dropped comments. Replying to readers’ comments will not only introduce you to them and drag them to your blog, it will also help the blog owner get more repeat visits.

How to leave highly engaging blog comments and replies

  • Be personal in the comments – You may even start the comment with some personal opening phrases.
  • While replying to a comment, draw the commentators’ attention to something he will be happy you know about it (not necessarily related to the post commented). For instance, tell him about a recent post you read on his blog that grabbed your attention.
  • Don’t forget to make a useful reply to the commentator’s comment
  • Then leave a final sentence that will course him to come back and reply to your reply – something like a question, an overt opinion, etc

Now this will help us transform blog commenting into real discussion and relationship building activity

What do you think?

Have you been replying to comments on other blogs before? Do you think this will work for you?

Share your comment and reply to replies on this post 😉

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