Top 7 Tools that Every Small Business Should Know About

Many new Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMB) are generally limited by two factors : –

  1. A small staff
  2. A small budget

However, you can stop the lack of capital and resources from coming in the way of your success. This is because the Internet is replete with all kinds of tools and services that can not only make your job as an entrepreneur a lot easier but also help you to scale without breaking the bank.

The following are some of the best online tools that every small business owner should check out today:

1 – Image Editor

You need high-quality images for your website, blog, products, eBooks, emails, and more. In fact, you can use images to elevate your business as well by increasing customer engagement and capitalizing on social media marketing.

However, it’s not practical and cost-effective to hire a full-time graphics designer for the job, especially for a small business. Instead, you can use an advanced image editing program to crop or resize images, apply different types of filters, use templates and icons, etc. to create professional-quality images for your business.

Recommended Image Editor: Picmonkey

2 – Logo Maker

Even a small business needs quality branding to stand out and appear professional. Since the logo is one of the most important aspects of a brand, you can leave the logo design creation to the pros, or you can use an online logo maker to create unique logos for your business.

There are various kinds of logo programs on the Internet. Most of them can provide you a wide range of templates, icons, fonts, etc. so that you can pick each element individually and combine them to create different kinds of appealing logos.

However, if you want to simplify the process further and get the results faster, then you should consider an advanced logo marker that uses technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence.

One of the best options in this category is Turbologo as it uses automation to create the design for you. All you have to do it tell the program what you want and share your designer preferences. That’s it!

Recommended Logo Maker: Turbologo

3 – Chatbot Services

chat box for small businesses

Chatbots can be the secret weapon to enhance your customer support.

Think about it- they are accessible to your customers 24 hours a day, can record the interactions with your customers to provide a personalized service, and also handle multiple customers at the same time.

They are also way cheaper than real customer executives. So, there is no reason for you to not set up one such bot today to provide your customers with the experience they deserve.

Recommended Chatbot: Aivo

4 – Social Media Automation

If you want to use social media for influencing your target market, then there are several things that you have to take care of which include researching the social habits of your target customers, identifying their favorite content, etc.

Now, doing this the manual way is usually too cumbersome and challenging. Plus, if you want to interact with your fans on different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. then managing your campaigns can easily become a nightmare. Again, this is where technology can help.

There are many online services that provide you all the tools you need for social media automation at an affordable price. You can use them to schedule social media posts, monitor the performance with analytics, and manage multiple social media platforms under one roof.

Recommended Social Media Automation Program: MeetEdgar

5 – Project and Task Management

When you run a business, then you have to juggle multiple tasks and projects. Naturally, management can become complicated when you work with a big team whose individual members have different responsibilities and roles.

However, you can easily get in control and make collaboration smoother with cloud-based project management tools which can be accessed by any authorized user from any device.

Recommended Project and Task Manager: Trello

6 – Communications

Communication is a lifeline of every business. The more seamless is the internal and external business communication, the higher is the organization’s productivity and efficiency.

You can take your company’s communication system to the next level by using a comprehensive communication service that can bring all your preferred communication channels like emails, instant messengers, etc. in one place.

Some other features that you can use include open platform support, teams creation, task management, etc.

Recommended Project and Task Manager: Fleep

7 – Sync Customer Contacts

Your business is likely going to use multiple Cloud apps to store customer data. From your CRM, to your email marketing tool and your finance software. As your business grows, you’re going to have more and more data to manage, which is where cloud archiving solutions come in.

Thankfully, there are apps available that will sync all of the data together for you. This will give you a 360° view on your customers which will save time as a result. It will also put you in a better position for growth and will help to prevent any issues with duplicate or incorrect data.

For instance, if you use both HubSpot and Mailchimp, you can make them work together as opposed to using them in isolation. You won’t need to manually export contact lists as it’s all done for you in real time.

Recommended Sync App: PieSync

So, these were some of the best online tools that you can use for your business to make management easier and cost flow more optimized.

All of these products are user-friendly and easy on the pocket. So, use them wisely, and good luck!

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