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How to ethically force your readers to click your Affiliate links and buy!

Affiliate Marketing seems difficult but essentially, there are only three things that count. These are:

  1. Targeted traffic
  2. The products you promote
  3. The strategy you put in place.

As a matter of fact, these are what I call Pillars of Affiliate Marketing.

But you can still have the traffic, select the right product and fail woefully at the level of strategies. That’s why I recommend you download a copy of my book.

Jennifer Dagi got a copy and has been earning commissions daily by applying the strategies I teach inside:

About 24 hours after dropping the comment above on this post, she sent me a screenshot of her Clickbank account.

And yes she just made another sale:

She’s got the three pillars that are beginning to work for her. Stop dabbling. Start being scientific by following proven strategies.

There is a way to oblige your readers to click your affiliate links, buy the product you promote and put some commissions in your wallet.

Before we discuss this in some greater details, let me say this:

No one is ever going to buy any product because you mention it.

It doesn’t matter how much you talk about a product on your blog. It doesn’t matter how many banners or affiliate links you have.

Have your blog filled with affiliate  marketing stuffs. It doesn’t really matter and you will never earn a cent. Drive the traffic, promote the best product using some crazy strategies. If you don’t follow these steps, no reader will ever feel any urge to by from your recommendation.

3 steps to oblige your readers to click and buy your affiliate products

The whole thing revolves round being able to solve your readers problems.

1 – Find their problems

The first thing to do is to find the problems faced by your readers. This sounds like some rocket science but trust me it requires just some simple tools and your brain.

Readers on your blog have some specific problems they want to solve. But how do you know these problems without having to call anyone on phone?

1- Pay attention to popular (Most commented and most read or sticky) articles on your site. These often tell you the topics to likely do well on your blog

2 – Run a poll on your blog to gather some critical data. This is often one of the best ways to question your readers and know exactly what they want. You may want to use WPForms to create unlimited polls and surveys.

3 – Use a HeatMap tool. They show you which links are most clicked on your content or menus. You can actually see where readers pay more attention on your blog:

4 – Google Search Console can be very helpful. It gives you a list of keywords driving traffic to your blog. These keywords show you exactly what your readers are looking for

2 –  Find the product that solves their problems

Once you’ve identified the problems faced by your readers, the next step is to start looking for solutions to help them with.

You have to really make sure any product you pick here really solves a problem else, your conversion will be terribly bad. My ebook will help you on how to pick the right product that won’t hurt you and your readers.

3 – Show them how the product solves their problems

This is the most crucial step in affiliate  marketing. Many marketers completely miss the point at this level.

It explains why banners and simple text links or mentions don’t really do well. The simple reason is that most of your readers don’t know much about the product you are promoting and banners don’t help with the required information.

Sometimes, you engage your readers and send them off to a different competing blog or website. You don’t give them enough information to decide to buy. They do not feel under any pressure until they have read more from someone else. That’s how you lose the commissions.

You must be able help the reader see exactly how the product solves his problems

If the reader does not see the solution in the product you promote, forget about the sale. Some folks call this pre-selling. To me, it’s about helping the readers see the solution to their problems in the product/service you promote.

If your Affiliate Marketing strategies are not crafted to focus on this point, you should be seeing why you don’t make the sales.

It’s as simple as that.

Revisit your Affiliate Marketing Strategies. Focus on solving problems by:

  1. Identifying them
  2. Looking for affiliate products that have the solutions
  3. Showing your readers exactly how those products solve the problems.

You will see the sales.

Good luck.

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