8 Reasons why businesses should consider accepting Cryptocurrency!

The financial industry is currently undergoing a huge and noticeable revolution since the birth of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency giant. With over $53bn in market capitalization, there is reason to turn resources to the experimental blockchain-based electronic currency.

Despite the almost limitless speed at which the industry is expanding, some businesses still don’t want to open up and embrace the new channel. Let’s disccuss some few reasons you should think accepting digital currency as a means of payment 

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Bitcoin Alternative ~ SwissCoin, Creating billionaires worldwide!

swisscoin bitcoin logo

The world of digital currency for years has been ruled by BitCoin but that is soon coming to an end. This year, there has been a huge search for the most reliable BitCoin alternative due to  its capacity issues and design flaws.

Bitcoin is a digital currency known as cryptocurrency. It’s a currency not issued by governments or banks. The currency uses some complicated programming to limit the amount of money that can be created.

Users don’t have to worry about these technical details. Just like most of us don’t know what happens with dollars. As soon as we get used to it, it becomes a second nature.

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