Please Answer This Blog Commenting Question ~ My trip & Pics Inside!

NB: Question about blog commenting below!

I have been home since last Thursday. It’s about 400 km away from Douala where I blog. It was an interesting journey driving along with my family. I love driving a lot so the journey was actually a huge dose of awesomeness.

We left Douala quite early at about 5:30am (CAT) and arrived home before sun set. We had a lot of stops on the way. I had my wife, and 2 children (5 and 1 yr old) so we had multiple stop points for the kids to relax.

Getting home was celebration. Everyone was waiting! My mom, dad and everyone else in the compound were waiting to receive the new born baby (their grand child).

And yes:

I had to spend some money made from this blog so if you ever spent directly or indirectly here, thank you 😉

I got almost completely disconnected!

For 4 days, I was completely away from my PC. No posts, no blog hopping, no comment moderation, etc.

But I went along with my Android Phone. It only helped me in 3 ways

  1. Make phone calls
  2. Take pictures
  3. Read mails
travel home
On the way home. We stopped to relax and dad was the cameraman 😉

Life in the village is fun!

We had a wonderful time with parents and other family members. My brother too came home with his wife and 2 kids. He is a prison officer at the Douala central prison. One other cousin, Mathias came in from the town known as Limbe the following day.

My father fabricates local hunting guns. The man is in his eighties now and doesn’t have that energy to heat the hot iron (as a blacksmith).

So I got into one of his chambers and came out with an old hunting gun. I had a burning desire to go hunting for him. I wanted to see him savor some fresh bush meat but he had no gunpowder 😉

Just Relaxing – surrounded by nature!


No guys! that’s not “pami” I’m sipping 😉

The kids too had fun!



Now, there was even more fun with Dad and Mom!

village mixingThere in that pic you can spot dad and mom. Those are 2 different pics I mixed up.

Ok I mentioned above that my brother also came home with wife and kids. Here is the fun in the pic below:


That’s my brother, his 2 kids and my 2 kids. I was the cameraman. Our wives were busy somewhere! Women!

That’s a bit of what village here in Cameroon is: Living far from city pollution but deep in nature…

Do you reply to all comments on your blog?

A few days in the village, I came back to Douala and was overwhelmed: Tons of comments on this blog and guest posts on different blogs.

Right now, most of these comments are still un-replied.

To be quite frank, I’m feeling lazy to go replying to over 30 comments. Here is the point;

  • Some comments are so exciting.
  • Some are from my loyal readers and friends I feel obliged to reply
  • Some are from new visitors
  • Some are from link-hungry commentators.

What would you do in my place?

  • Reply to all comments?
  • Reply to comments from friends and loyal readers?
  • Reply to comments from new visitors?

While I’m currently trying to overcome lack of motivation and answer comments that deserve a reply, let me hear what you think about having to reply to all comments.

I know Adrienne Smith will not leave a comment unanswered 😉

– > Thank you to my friend!

Don Purdum gave me a shout out in his last round up post while I was away. Check it out here and discover some more exceptional bloggers to connect with.

Thanks buddy Don!

So over to you! Drop a comment!

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