What Is the Best Way to Preserve Your Blogging Reputation?

Although you cannot control how people view you or how they think about you, you can preserve your blogging reputation by simply surrounding yourself with good blogging buddies.

I cannot make anyone think anything about me. Can I control someone’s mind? No way. No human can control another human’s mind. We technically cannot control our reputation but we can preserve our blogging reputation by befriending a network of close blogging buddies.

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10 money making blog post ideas.Idea #5 got $1000+ for me so quickly!

NB: I just added the 10th post idea below. So keep reading

Not every blog post on your blog has the money making capacity. I know you can scatter banners and Adsense on every article and stand a chance of making some small money.

There are however some posts that are carefully crafted with the objective of making money. So if you want to make real money from your blog, here below are some ideas to help transform it to a money making tool.

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