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How to Create Blog Posts Your Readers Will Love In 4 Easy Steps

How to write blog content that attracts more readers

Image via Pexels

Are you looking for practical blogging tips on how to create blog posts your readers and Google will love?

Do you want to write blogs that generate more clicks, engagement, and converts? Better still, does your content strategy include blogging?  If you said yes, then you’re in the right place.

Blogging is one of the best digital marketing tools that can help you connect with clients, would-be customers, and also strengthen your brand reputation. It is no wonder Ryan Biddulph of Blogging From Paradise indicated that blogging has several moving parts.

Blogging is one of the most cost-effective content marketing strategies that can help grow your business in several ways, including:

However, some bloggers and content marketers fail to create blog posts that engage and entertain the reader. This practice could be the result of a lack of time for writing, not being able to brainstorm compelling blog post ideas, and so forth.

As a result, we have assembled four actionable steps that will help you to create convincing blog posts that will leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Here we go:

1. Brainstorm Persuasive Blog Post Ideas

According to a 2018 report by HubSpot, 55% of marketers say their top inbound marketing priority is to creating blog content. But how can you produce blog posts regularly if you have no idea what to write?

Graphic via HubSpot

That is why it is vital to brainstorm persuasive blog post ideas your target market can’t resist. Your blog is a crucial inbound marketing tool that nurtures visitors through the funnel into qualified customers.

But your blog can’t help you in this regard if your blog posts are not connecting with your target audience. That is where brainstorming ideas for blog posts come in. Brainstorming is also essential because it helps to improve your creative thinking and problem-solving skills as a blogger.

Furthermore, generating creative ideas for your blog will enable you to have an enthusiastic focus and not shift concentration among topics. Why is that so? Because it builds commitment and unlocks your blog writing creative juices.

Here is how to brainstorm a year’s worth of blog post ideas. This process will not only help you write more engaging blog content, but it will also help you improve productivity.

2. Craft a Magnetic Introduction for Your Blog Posts

We have written much about crafting irresistible headlines. What next? The next element that can draw in your readers besides the main heading is your introduction. So how magnetic is it? Is your intro good enough to hook the reader and compel him to read the entire article?

You can liken your content intro to a graduation speech that lands you a standing ovation. Before you settle to write your statement, you have to go through the creative process and narrow down on a chosen topic. Then you come up with an introduction that will grab listeners’ attention from the start.

Moreover, 80% of visitors will only read your headline, while a mere 20% will read the rest of the post. Why? Because the majority of blog readers are unstable. They can take a quick look at your article and disappear from your blog.


How can you hook site visitors with an irresistible introduction?

Here is how:

Although there are many ways to daft catchy introductions, we will consider a few of them.

A. Use Questions to Hook The Reader

Why is a question intro so compelling? Using questions to introduce your blog post is useful because it urges your readers to ponder over a storyline or strategy that makes sense to the subject.

The questions will guide your audience into an unforgettable environment where they will give thought to their goals and aspirations. However, your questions must be relevant and interesting to capture your readers’ attention.

B. Tell an Interesting Story

Yes, storytelling is a prominent way to get people’s attention, and that’s because humans are programmed to respond to stories quickly. For example, tell a child an exciting story, and he will run to you the next day to listen to more stories.

Telling stories is one of the best copywriting tactics that can quickly persuade a reader to continue reading your post. Moreover, stories are so compelling because they can transmit you to an imagery land and convince you to do otherwise — take action on the things you would never have done.

That is why for 1000s of years, storytelling has been the primary entertaining factor in human history. Look around you, comic books, movies, and so forth are filled with stories that introduce one character after the other.

The point is, a good story can hook your readers right from the first paragraph and make him read the entire blog post.

C. Avoid Lengthy Introduction 

There is no specified rule for the length of an introduction. However, since you already know that humans are impatient and always on the move, a more extended intro can put your readers off.

The longer your introduction, the farther away the point of the material will be.

Therefore, be concise and to the point.

3. Research Your Topic and Use Statistical Facts

Now is time ramp up the body of content. So what would it be? Will the body content integrate well with or complement the headings and intro? That would be a fantastic material. Consequently, when you settle on a subject for your blog post, you should conduct in-depth research on the topic to bring out those juices, your readers, and Google love.

For example, if your theme is about SEO trends, you already understand that search engine algorithms continue to change. It means that SEO tips that worked years back may not work today. As a result, your research will help you keep up to date with current trends in SEO.

Also, conducting research on the topic and using statistical facts will further improve the overall theme of the post. Besides, it will increase your credibility.

For instance, take a look at the stats below:

Ultimately, facts add value to your content and boost the authenticity of the material. It also helps in building trust with your readers and eventual customers.

4. Optimize Your Website and Create SEO-friendly Blog Posts

Every blogger and content marketer wants to appear at the top of Google search result pages (SERPs), but you cannot show up on Google search results if your site is not well optimized. How can your blog content be seen or emerge on search engine results when you’re not optimizing your posts?

Fun fact, your blog will hardly thrive if you fail to optimize vital website factors. Moreover, you cannot get a search engine front role if your blog posts are not SEO-friendly. So now that you have all other elements in place, you need to ensure to optimize your website and the content you produce for SEO.

Therefore, use relevant keywords and phrases to optimize the following areas:

As a result, optimizing your site and creating SEO-friendly blog posts will help increase your visibility and website organic traffic.

Wrapping Up How to Create Blog Posts Your Readers Will Love.

Your blog is your online empire with the potential to connect you with a community of readers who can help you grow your business faster, including paying clients. Nonetheless, if you’re not making the most of your blogging space, your content marketing efforts will be a waste of time and gradually fade away.

So use these tested and proven blogging tips we outlined in this article to create blog posts your readers and Google will find interesting. Are we missing something? Please, tell us in the comments!

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